And So The Plot Thickens

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In all honesty, trying to attack the President of the United States was probably not on the list of Kaelie's best ideas, but then, she was never exactly known for her great planning skills. The black suited men that entered with him grabbed her out of the air, and Kaelie could tell by their grip that they were Hunters too. "That's too bad, Kaelie. It really is. But it's good that we have you, your friends are on their way now to get you, and then we can finish the termination of H3 once and for all." He nodded at one of the men and the guy sent his fist flying across her face.

Pain exploded in her jaw and her healing lip split again, she could feel blood trailing down her chin. "Is that all you got, bitch?" she asked, baring her teeth.

The guy said nothing, just punched her twice more in quick succession and then the room faded to black. When Kaelie came to again, she almost wished she hadn't. Her surroundings focused in her eyes and she was in a room like the one they kept her in in Iceland, with the mirror, and the barren walls. Her mind flashed to being ten years old, and it took everything she had not to scream out loud when a familiar voice came over the intercom.

"Hey Kaelie. Long time no see, huh?" Theo. "You're even prettier than you were when you were little, bet you know how to treat a guy now."

"What is it you want, Theo?" she asked, fighting to keep her voice level.

"Oh, well I want you dead, see, and I'm not the only one. We are going to kill you, Kaelie, but you're going to suffer first, for your crimes. Your friends wouldn't just leave you here, and you know that. They're coming for you, and then they'll get their turn on the other side of this mirror," Theo said.

Kaelie's heart hammered in her chest because he was right. They would come for her, Jace would come for her. And they would die for it. She tried not to let anything show on her face, and kept her eyes guarded, wouldn't give Theo the satisfaction of seeing the terror she felt.

He didn't say anything else after that and Kaelie felt like time was dragging. There was no way out of this room unless someone opened it from the other side, she'd tried breaking the glass last time she was held in one of these and it hadn't worked. They hadn't bound her hands again, but having them free wasn't very useful anyways. She stared at them, picking, tearing the skin away from her cuticles with nervous fingers. Little drops of blood dotted the floor and she clenched her fists to stop herself.

It seemed like it had been hours before someone finally came in to the room with her. It wasn't Theo, but some other grunt who's smile made her cringe. "Where's your friends?" he taunted and Kaelie clenched her jaw hard enough that her teeth ached in her skull.

"Eat a dick," she spat, and she went to hit him, but he caught her wrist and squeezed so hard she felt the bones grinding together. He threw her to the floor, and aimed a sharp kick to her ribs, once, twice, and she held her breath against the shockwaves of agony. He left. Kaelie forced herself off the ground.

"You assholes tortured me before and it didn't get you anything. It won't this time, hear me. Not anything!" Kaelie screamed, and then sank back against the wall. She needed to save her energy. Jace was coming for her, he had too, and they had to be ready to fight their way out. She flashed to one of the nightmares she kept having. Jace. The other side of the glass. The shot. Jace's blood, his eyes rolled back. She squeezed her eyes shut against the thoughts.

It wouldn't happen, she wouldn't let it. Kaelie was selfish, though, she wished Jace was here so at least she wasn't alone, wanted his deep voice to tell her they would make it out. The other parts of her hoped they left her here, that they knew what would happen, and stayed away. They knew she would die for them, but loyalty runs deep, and they would not abandon her. She pressed herself tighter against the wall, she had no choice but to wait.

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