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{two months later}

katheryns pov~~~

Diego and I have been together for two full months now its been pretty great I think I love him but its to early to say that. Update on my life Jack and I haven't talked since the fight between him, Diego and I, he says I'm picking Diego over family. Is that true? Jackson is still just chilling not knowing what's been going on he's currently working at a pizza place doing pretty well I'm happy for him. Natali and I are still friends its not like it use to be we only see each other during 3 and 6th period and we only hang out at lunch sometimes which is weird because we went to hanging out all day everyday to maybe twice a week. Im going to be honest I miss my bff. Tio Bashtion has been away for a few weeks now he went to Florida to meet up with this women he met on tinder hopefully he will be back for my 18th birthday party next week.

Enough of that I'm currently walking around this college fair they have at my school there is so much to pick from. I walk around minding my own business I don't have many friends I use to hang out with only Natali but now I've been hanging out with JJ and his friends often. I continue to mind my own business. I walk passed this makeup stand its a make school for special effects and all "makeup effects industry" the sign said "I love you're eyeliner" the lady at the table tells me "Thank you so much" I say with a smile she asks if I'm interested I reply with a "no" she gives me a card incase I change my mind for the future which I won't I'm doing nothing with my life. I take the card and see JJ standing by the door "hey coming with us?" he asks me while standing by a group of his friends "where you going?" "anywhere but this place, now lets go" JJ says and walks away I follow.

20 minutes later I end up at someones apartment I'm not sure who's but I walk in and see people sitting around some I know some I don't. I see Diego walk out of one of the rooms he looks at me nervously "hey babe" I say hugging him "uh hi what are you doing here?" he still says nervously which makes me nervous he turns me away from the door he came out of." "I was in school and JJ invited me to come, why something wrong with that?" I ask concerned "No, no but you should be getting education, you know" "look who's talking dropout" he laughs but it was a fake laugh I could tell. "Well baby ima drive you back to school" he says garbing my hand I turn away from him facing the room he came out of earlier and see a girl walk out of the room. "Oh" I look at him he doesn't know I saw the girl "you know I am going to leave"and I walk towards the door "lemme grab my keys real quick" he says "don't bother" I reply walking out of the apartment.

I walk out of the apartment building I stop and turn around to see if Diego ran after me, he didn't.... I was hoping he would. I continue to walk I don't go back to school, I walk home. Is he cheating on me? No.. maybe?No he isn't I trust him. should I? I feel all these emotions having nobody to talk to. Did I push away the only ones who cared about me for him? Jack, Natali, and Jackson has no idea what going on but still....

I continue to walk and I see the Pizza place Jackson works at. I walk inside "hi is Jackson here?" I ask the person at the register "I believe he's on his break but you can go check out back" they point at a door I walk towards the door and walk out seeing a black truck parked and a guy with a mask beating up Jackson. "JACKSON" I shout he sees me and shouts for me to leave but of course I would never leave him in that situation I start fighting back as much as I can. The man with a mask pulls a gun out of his pocket pointing it right against my forehead "do it pussy" I say but then Jackson throws a old pan from the trashcan at his head making the gun fall out his hand Jackson hurries and grabs the gun and the man with a mask gets in his truck and quickly drives away.

"Jackson who was that?" I ask while sitting down from being tired and confused

"I think I need to leave town for good." he replies


HEYYYYY!! can't you believe I finally updated hahah yeah I'm alive sadly and I just read through this story tonight and realized the grammar errors and all I wanna fix it but you know I'm lazy but hey at least I updated... this is going up tonight and I will update again sometime tomorrow. JACKSONS STORY WILL BE EXPOSED NEXT PART!!!

da plug: lil xanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora