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"Jackson our newest member of the gang are you ready for your first shipment?"  Rogelio a fellow gang member asked Jackson while all the guys stand around
"Man you know I am." Jackson replies while walking Towards the box of drugs he's  shipping to the town over.
"Let's get this shit done man" and the guys standing around help put stuff in the car.
- minutes later the stuff is packed Jackson sits in the car ready for his first shipment one of the biggest shipments of the month this has to go good he must keep the drugs safe and keep everyone's name in secret.
Jackson pulls out of the garage of the place they were at and goes on his way to the town over. Jackson nervous hands sweaty, not knowing what was going to happen, he didn't even know the people just knew the location he was meeting the people.
- 35 minutes Jackson arrives to his destination in the middle of no where, he parks the car and waits... a truck parks across from him and 4 men get out 3 of them holding guns in their hands.
Jackson puts his window down saying "what's up" to the intimidating men.
"Shut the fuck up" one of the men say
"Sorry dude" Jackson replies "didn't you just hear what I said?!" The guy speaking says grabbing the collar of Jackson's shirt Jackson stays quiet. "Get out of the car" the guy says Jackson gets out making sure his gun is in his pocket first." Jackson gets out and stares at the 4 guys. "Wheres the shipment?" One asks and Jackson turns to open the trunk of the car when out of no where you hear cop sirens and 3 cops come out of no where "HANDS UP" one of the officers say while getting out of the vehicle. The 4 guys start shooting at the policemen and next thing Jackson knew he was in the middle of a shootout he runs to his car quickly, right as he was going to get in one of the guys grabs him and throws him out of the car "WAS THIS A FUCKING SET UP?!" He says while putting a knife up to Jackson's neck "no I promise I didn't know anything about this", "kid I swear if I find out this is a set up I'll kill you and your fam-" the guy doesn't finish his sentence and gets shot right in front of Jackson's face from the shoot out. Jackson frightened but knows he still has to get out of there getting in his car racing out of there. One of the police officers gets in his car chasing Jackson. Jackson driving through traffic as fast as he could through the traffic of the town finally getting away he parks in a ally way for a while to find out where he is. Jackson puts the car in park and sits there breathing hard "that didn't go well" he thought to himself . He sits trying to catch his breath and out of no where the drivers window breaks he looks in the rear mirror and sees the police car "shit" he mumbles to himself and gets pulled out of the car but gets pushed to the floor and starts getting punched, and kicked and realizes the person beating him up isn't a cop it's one of the guys that he met up with who was in the shootout. He fights back and manages to get some good punches in and smashes the guys face into the brick wall that was around them in the ally. The guy falls out, Jackson not knowing if he's dead or alive he has no time or check he gets back to the car and drives away.
- he arrives back to the place everyone is at he runs inside quickly.
"What happen to you foo" Rogelio says
Jackson tries to speak but keeps stuttering, Rogelio slaps him across the face and Jackson spits out what had happened. "I went to the place I was supposed to meet up with the people and these 4 guys showed up and then cops came out of no where and a shootout happened man I don't even fucking know what to think one of the guys brains got blown out inches away from me and I got away parked in a ally and then one of the guys came out of no where started beating me up and I smashed his face in and I got away" "listen to me closely Jackson! So you are telling me 2 of their men died??" "I know one of the guys died for sure it was by a cop." "And the guy in the alley?" "I'm not sure I didn't check I got out of there the quickest I could Rogelio." Jackson says quickly "FUCK!" Rogelio shouts.
"Jackson they sent some of their best me to that meet up and 2 of them died... they are going to try to kill you now but we are by your side don't worry we're family." Rogelio says to Jackson. "Thank you man" Jackson replies.

Two days later Jackson walks down the street going to a friends house and a car pulls up next to him it's Rogelio "get in" Jackson gets in the car "what's up?" Nobody replies to him and the other guy in the backseat pulls a bag over Jackson's head and everything goes dark.
- Jackson wakes up on the floor "what happened man?" He asks "shut up foo" Rogelio says pulling a gun out on him "ha so funny what is this?" Jackson says as this is a joke "this is funny huh?" Rogelio says shooting a lamp to show that he's serious. "I'm sorry this is has to happened Jackson you are a good kid but you know to much, and we aren't able to help you." Rogelio says "woah, woah man I thought we were family."
"Not anymore fool we can't take care of you In this situation.. those guys won't stop until you are dead and I'm not going to lose good guys in the gang for a stupid teenager" Rogelio says pointing the gun towards Jackson's head putting his finger on the trigger. Jackson realizes he's going to die so he quickly thinks of a solution and sees a rock not far away from him so he pretends he's crawling away and grabs the rock and throws it at Rogelio's hand making the gun fall out of his hand. Rogelio and Jackson start fighting back and forth and Jackson gets ahold the of the gun and shots Rogelio. Rogelio falls to the floor "I'm sorry" Jackson says and runs away...


- Jackson runs into his house seeing nobody in the living room "TIO BASHTION, TIO BASHTION??! JACK?" He shouts Kathryn walks out "Jackson what's wrong?" "Where's tio bashtion or jack or both of them I don't care where are they!?" Jackson says in a scared voice looking out the blinds checking if anyone from the gang is following because he knows they are going to come after him...
"Jackson why are you shouting?"  Tio bashtion says as he walks out of his room "TIO YOU NEED TO HELP ME." Jackson puts his hand on him and explains everything...

Hours later Jackson, Jack, tio bashtion, and Kathryn sit on the couch and talk.
"You are going to have to leave town Jackson" jack says
"Yes those guys are dangerous they are looking for you and most likely those guys you met up with from the shipment are looking for you, start packing Jackson."

*end flashback*

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