Chapter 17

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Lisa and Jennie were in the sea. 

The two were outside of the ship. Lisa sailed while Jennie was lying near her, with a pair of sunglasses that covered her eyes. 

She liked that because she could watch Lisa without her noticing.

“I still don’t know where are you taking me, Lili” the brunette muttered, smiling.

“Do you really need to know it?”

“I knew it, you’re kidnapping me.”

Lisa smiled.

“Wouldn’t it be great if it was that way?” she sighed.  “I could take you wherever you wanted to. I could take care of you.”

“You already take care of me”, Jennie stood up and walked up to Lisa, standing behind her. She ran her hands down her back and continued smiling. “You never stop taking care of me. You’ve brought me here to stop thinking about my past and I never thought of it since then.”

“I’ve brought you here because I wanted to be with you”, Lisa turned towards Jennie and smiled. “I like being with you. You understand me, and I understand you. And I love it. You’re my best friend, Jen.”

Jennie’s heart skipped a beat as she heard Lisa say that, and smiled tenderly, leaning slightly towards her.

“And you are mine, boo bear…” Jennie murmured, licking her lips gently and carefully looking at Lisa. “I can’t be grateful and thankful enough for what you do when you’re with me.”

“What exactly?”

“Just staying by my side…” Jennie sighed. She stroked Lisa’s sides with her fingers and kissed her shoulder tenderly. “It’s more than I can ask.”

Jennie knew at that time that being Lisa’s friend was the hardest thing she would do in her life, taking into account her feelings for the blonde. 

She wanted to be close to Lisa, she wanted to hug her, but, above all, Jennie was dying to kiss her.

Lisa didn’t mention it, but her heart beat with the force of a hurricane every time Jennie did those things. 

When Jennie spoke in that tone of voice, so soft, when she mentioned Lisa’s name, when she hugged her and simply showed her her love by gestures, made her think what it would be like in a similar situation but in a different context.

Lisa dropped the anchor.  The sun was about to set and they were both going to see it. The sky was tinged with magenta and orange shades, and the two sat down to watch the spectacle of the Mother Nature.

Jennie ran her fingers through her hair and removed her sunglasses right after.

“We are going to watch the sunset”, said Lisa.

“It’s the first time in my life I see the sunset.”


“Yes…” Jennie said, and her cheeks were coloured the same colour as the sky at that moment. Lisa laughed and listened as she put an arm around her shoulders. “Sehun must certainly like to come here with you.”

Lisa’s face paled. She turned to Jennie and swallowed, realizing something was going to give her a hint of something she was still trying to figure out.

“Sehun has never been here.”

The two looked at each other for a moment that seemed eternal. Lisa’s hand was on Jennie’s shoulder, and she stroked it gently while she was still looking at the brunette tenderly.

The sun began to fall and went to hide down the line separating the sky from the sea, a line which, at times, seemed to disappear and both sky and the ocean were confused for a while, especially at night.

Jennie leaned forward as she had done before, and was surprised that Lisa was still looking into her eyes and all its factions, without moving a muscle. She noticed Lisa’s lips, its corners, and she rememembered the first and last time she felt them on their own.

Lisa knew what she was doing, but maybe it had to happen. Confused, as most times, she kept looking at her. She needed to know whether there were butterflies without alcohol involved.

She was convinced thst she was conscious, but the atmosphere intoxicated her anyway. Jennie was very close to her, and sometimes she smiled. Lisa was lost in her deep brown eyes, and the sea breeze enveloped them.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Jennie leaned closer and cocked her head, kissing Lisa’s lips tenderly. She closed her eyes as she felt Lisa’s warm skin, and feared for a moment that she would pull away. She had no plan B, she hadn’t thought about the possibility of rejection. She wanted to be intrepid, fearless, so she would stop being afraid of her feelings.

And now Jennie was kissing Lisa in the middle of a beautiful sunset that put the icing on the cake.

Lisa was surprised to feel Jennie’s lips pressing gently against hers, but her first reaction was to continue the kiss. 

Lisa slightly stretched her neck and slid her lips on Jennie’s, laying the palms of her hands on Jennie’s cheek and closing her eyes.

They listened to the waves break near a rock. Some gulls were flying overhead. The sun was still hiding, but they weren’t anymore.

Lisa’s heart seemed to escape her t-shirt. Again, it roared like a lion, and it was unusually beating rhythmically to Jennie’s.

Jennie’s hands roamed Lisa’s chest, aimless, adrift, as noth of them in the boat when sailing.

Jennie felt fearless again and bit Lisa’s lower lip slightly, forcing the blonde to open her lips to deepen the kiss. Lisa accepted, with any single doubt, a guest in her mouth. And from there, everything spun. It was a constant struggle for dominance, and everything was going too fast and too slow at the same time. 

Lisa felt mad when she realized she was losing track of time with a simple touch and Jennie simply couldn’t believe that Lisa still had not pulled away from her.

Lisa had never been kissed like that. Not even by Sehun. She felt that this had been the most loving kiss she had ever experienced. 

And that, of course, made her wonder. Despite everything, she was confused.

Jennie slowly pulled away. Her lips were red, and Lisa’s lips were slightly swollen. They stared intensely when they stopped kissing and simply smiled at each other.

No words were needed.

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