Chapter 34

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Jennie was sitting on a bench with her face pale and her eyes wide open. She covered her mouth with her hand while her lips trembled, holding back tears.

And it was just one of the first recordings Jisoo had in her phone.

The red haired girl stroked her back, comforting her friend, while Jennie listened incredulously.

"They were planning it, from the beginning..." Jennie turned to gaze Jisoo completely horrified, unable to believe what she was hearing. "Both Seulgi and... and Sehun..."

Jisoo looked at Rosé, who looked worried. The blonde girl opened her arms and hugged Jennie's side carefully, pulling her close to her body.

"Do you want to keep listening?"

"You know, Jisoo? I don't know why are you still friends with Jennie. Isn't she a bit freaky? She seems to be a little — how to say without saying something offensive — fag?"

"I think that term is offensive, Seulgi. But whether she likes girls or not, I think she is a nice person. I like her."

Jennie smiled slightly at Jisoo's words, words which made her feel a little bit better, and then continued listening.

"Whatever. I better go."

She listened as Seulgi closed the door of her locker and left the place. Then, the recording stopped.

"Jisoo, I would like to listen to this alone. Would you mind sending this to my e-mail? I need to listen to it carefully. Please?"

Jisoo nodded repeatedly.

"Thanks for everything. I cannot thank you enough. And — uh — thanks for not telling anyone what you know about Lisa and me", Jennie sighed, relaxing her shoulders. "You're a great friend, Chu."

"I have recorded the moment when Seulgi tells Sehun what she wants to do with you. I assume she did, unfortunately. That is the reason why you weren't in the dock today, right?"

"Yeah... I had to tell Lisa that I didn't want to be with her", Jennie muttered. "She told me I was a coward, and to be honest, I believed it. Because I could have stood up and I could have told Seulgi that I was going to be with Lisa ... but you know how hard would that have been? Lisa has her boyfriend and..."

"No, she doesn't", Rosé finally spoke, making the two girls turn their faces to her. "Seulgi has just sent me a text message. Sehun has just told her that Lisa has broken up with him."

There was a moment of silence. Jennie looked at Rosé, confused, and took her phone to see the message.

"Sorry mate, I'm not sure I can make it to the pub tonight. Lisa has broken up with Sehun so I'll stay with him. Talk to you later. "

Lisa had come back to Sehun alone after she drove Sehun to his house in Seoul.

She felt bad about what happened, but Lisa thought it had to be this way in order to move on with her life. Even though Jennie didn't love her —or so she thought, she knew she couldn't live in a lie.

Lisa had fallen in love with someone else. What reason woud make her stay with someone she doesn't love?

Of course, Lisa didn't tell Sehun why she didn't love him anymore. She said they simply grew apart, now she couldn't keep on with their relationship because many things were happening in her life and she couldn't be with him. Then she added it wasn't his fault, but her.

She parked the car near her home and saved the keys in her pocket once she left. She looked around and then turned to Jennie's house, heaving a sigh.

Just then, she recognized three silhouettes. In the distance, walking along the pavement, she could see Jisoo and Rosé, accompanied by Jennie. She swallowed and before they could see her, Lisa entered her house.

Jennie was home, sitting in front of the computer, looking at the file folder she had received from Jisoo. It was a folder with a total of seven recordings and some photos she had taken.

In this e-mail, there was an explanation on her part.

Dear Jen;

I know this must seem strange to you. I liked you from the beginning, you seemed good person, and I think I have that ability to know people's intentions from the very start, so I did not hesitate to begin to 'investigate' what was happening when I heard Seulgi mentioned you for the first time.

I've told you once that I'm pretty observant, and as you can see, I didn't lie.

I hope this helps you somehow. I wish I could have stopped Seulgi, but when I heard the recording, that had already happened. (I'm very sorry).

There are seven recordings. They may seem somewhat confusing. If you were a competitor, you could have used this so the committee would have charged Seulgi of unfair competition. It would have been too good to be true.

Your time came. I want you to know that I'm not afraid. Whenever Seulgi knows that this has come to light, I want you to be brave, Jennie. Because I know you are, only that you haven't noticed. I want you to be able to stand up and defend what is yours. I am not referring to Lisa, but your own honor. Remember that David defeated Goliath and later he became the king, I want you to do the same.

And if she dares to put a finger on you, she'll regret it. You are not alone. As I said to Rosé this morning, I do not care if she comes from New Zealand, I'm from Gimpo and I'm not afraid of girlies like her.

Rosé, of course, will protect you as well. I don't know how is the relationship between you now, but I think she's pretty nice. It would be nice if you guys reconciled.

About the photo folder... sorry for the poor quality. I don't know what to think of what I saw. I don't know how to interpret it. Those photographs seem quite... intriguing to me. I want you to give me your opinion on them. There are thirteen pictures. Enough pictures, don't you think?

I want you to talk to me after you hear it all and take a look at the pictures. Call me. And I hope you come to a conclusion and you can make the right decision, although I'm sure you will.

That's it. If you are thinking how to thank me for this, you can invite me to your house for dinner. I've heard you cook very well, don't you?

Don't forget you have a friend in me.

Kim Chichu.

P.S. I would have sent all this to Lisa but I lost my chance. As I said, talk to me after seeing this and we'll see whether we're sending it to her or you're going to simply tell her straight away.

Jennie drew a huge smile on her lips as she read that e-mail. She laughed when she read that she could invite her home to dinner, and she knew she was definitely going to make the best dinner in the world for Jisoo.

She was glad to know that Rosé and Jisoo were friends, and because it seemed that Rosé actually changed. Jennie missed her. Maybe it was time they could make up. Just maybe.

Jennie realised that she had to read one more thing, a final postscript by Jisoo which read:

P.S.2. You know what they say... the future is in our own hands. Take the hint.

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