chapter six

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author: yay! another chapter
hope y'all enjoy


Third person pov

"Hey Mark, I saw that you choose the dog request. I'm sorry to hear that the dog died." Jaehyun said from the table full of feast beside the portal right after he stepped in. That table is for the angels who just finished their work in the human's realm.

"What? What do you mean? The dog is clearly alive before I left it there." Mark said as he flinched but still walked and joined Jaehyun at the table

"Saw that, but it got cursed by a demon after." Jaehyun said as he drank his water.

"Wha-You mean Taeyong? Or is it some other demon that cursed the dog?" Mark asked as he eyed the watermelon on the table but didn't have the appetite to eat it with questions stuck in his mind.

"That one, whoever you were together with. I saw him curse the dog when he sat down beside you. From Doyoung's work by the way."

"No way—I mean he fed the dog, why would he—" Mark said as he tried to defend the demon he met earlier.

"He's a demon after all, its not that shocking." Jaehyun said as he looked at Mark.

"Stop spitting inconsistencies, the dog is alive." Doyoung said as he joined them at the table.

"Don't lie, I saw it with my own eyes." Jaehyun retorts after Doyoung spoke.

"You didn't see the whole situation, After they left another demon, I don't know who with light pink hair lifted the curse and even grant the dog a protection charm, he also knows I was watching and even winked right back at me, with that powers, he might be a higher ranked demon." Doyoung said as he clasped his hand on the table.

"Wait! pink hair? I've never seen a demon with pink hair before." Mark blurted out, shock at the thought of a demon with pink hair.

"Isn't that Na Jaemin?."


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