Chapter 3

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There were voices. It was still dark but it was a bit warmer than before. They must have made a small fire in the fireplace in the room to keep me warm.

The voices sounded like Drake and Killian.

"You're going to be shit in the morning Snake." That was Killian's voice whispering. I know he was speaking of the fact that Drake needed rest. "I was given an order from the Queen to protect the Princess. I'll watch over her tonight."

"Get the fuck out of here Killer. Go twiddle your thumbs with Sinai." That was Drake's gruff reply. I don't know how but it made me smile in the dark of the bed with my back to them.

"I should beat you down you-"

I made a small noise as if they were waking me up and shifted slightly in my sleep and nuzzled into the pillow again.

They were quiet for a long time and I started slipping into sleep again I would have to figure a way for them to work together tomorrow.

Sleep wasn't as great as a hiding spot as I had hoped. For there are where my nightmares dwell. It was there that I saw myself on the Elven throne surrounded by elves and other fae that were worshiping me and there infront of my throne were three bodies laying bloody and cut open and on a silver platter held up by a servant were three hearts still warm and bleeding infront of me.

Looking down I saw that Drake Killian and Sinai were on the ground and it was their hearts that were sacrificed to me. I saw a slender pale glowing hand reach out. My hand and grip one of the still warm bloody heart and I brought it up to my lips and took a bite and then I heard screaming.

Coming awake I realized it was me that was screaming as I sat up with one of my blades in my hand slicing at the air and for some reason there were feathers in the air falling around me as I let out a great heart wrenching sob and all my Guards were there in the room looking worried and then suddenly Drake had hold of my wrist and was taking the blade from my hand and I jerked back from him crying out. "NO!" He looked almost hurt as he tried to calm me.

"I wont hurt you Princess. I just need to disarm you before you hurt yourself" He was watching me as I scrambled off the bed and pressed my back into the wall and then I was reaching up wiping my mouth and looking at my hand looking for any signs of blood and I was trembling as I turned away from them and tried to get a hold of myself. My pillow was shredded from my blade and feathers were stuck to my hair and falling in the air around the bed slowly.

I heard all there voices. "Princess. It was just a dream" "You're safe Princess" "It was but a nightmare Princess of Purity."

I felt sick. I was sickened and I held a hand to my stomach and the other to my mouth and tried not to give into my panic. "Please... stay back..."

"I won't touch you Youngling. And I won't let any other touch you." That was Drake's voice. He obviously thought I had had a nightmare that I had been raped. Oh by the mother how he was wrong. I kept my face away from them. I felt as if I had betrayed them. I felt as if I had really cut out there hearts and taken a bite. Oh great goddess no... I had to turn now to look at them.

My eyes were wide and I was looking at them as they stood there looking whole and unhurt and I looked at each of there chests and saw no gaping hole and saw no blood then I looked into their eyes and saw there eyes bright and alive and not the glassy pale orbs they had been in my nightmare.

I took a ragged breath and saw Xander hovering there his pixie dust falling from him in worry. I smoothed my hair and stood straight and looked away and took a deep breath and asked. "Is there... food. I have some coins... Can we go to the market place and get something to eat?" I didn't really want to eat but I had to think and walking would help me.

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