Chapter 4

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Then it was time to go to the banquet. I don't know what had happened between the first time I had walked into the Palace and now. But something had changed I hesitated in the doorway of my rooms. I stopped and I felt something. A coldness wash over me the second I was about to step out of the room. Out of the protection of the wards. "Step away..." I said in a confused tone.

Killian was infront of me and Sinai was just a little way down the hall but they both stopped and then Drake was behind me with Deserai and Xander was near my shoulder. They all stopped and I repeated myself. "Step away... get away from me... Now!" it was the first time I had actually ordered them to do anything and everyone but Drake listened. They moved farther away from me and Drake drew his magic kissed sword ready to try to save me but there was nothing he could do. I had already stepped into the trap so I took a breath and raised my hand and pushed him away. Not with my hand but with my power. He staggered away under its weight and in that moment that I tried to save him I was gripped tight by the magic trap and gasped as I was slowly being lifted up into the air as if i was now floating in water. I couldn't breath.

Something icey was spreading over my body and it was trying to kill me. I could hear muffled yelling and screaming but I just hung there in the air and I could feel the magic trying to kill my body. I was calm. Deathly calm.

I must always stay in control.

I reached out with my hand and I grabbed something. The link. The power link that was feeding the spell and I grabbed ahold of it and I broke it shattered it into a million pieces then suddenly from 6 feet in the air I was able to gasp in a breath just as my vision was about to go dark and I started to fall. It seemed that I fell into the arms of many people.

I was gasping and clutching at my chest as my body was extremely cold. I was shivering and I felt myself trying to warm up and I looked up into the faces of my three guards who had pulled me back into the rooms and shut the door and Deserai was there aswell and she was looking so scared she even had tears in her eyes. I said from a hourse throat. "Didn't mean to frighten you." I gave them all a crooked grin looking very cheeky. I even laughed a hourse ragged laugh.

They all held me and I realized they were all touching me. I looked away from them and closed my eyes. I could hear each of them apologizing to me for not finding the trap before I had tripped it. I was in the laps of kneeling men all huddled around me trying to give me their warmth. I could feel them trying to wield healing magic they didn't have. I smiled and put my cheek against a chest and my hands on two other chests and I gently took some of their warmth. It was instinct. To take what they were offering.

It felt way to intamate. To close. To warm. I didn't reallize I was crying until I felt Xanders small hands wiping the tears from my cheeks.

It woke me out of my stupor and I sat up taking my hands from the Warriors that lent me their warmth. I felt fine. I felt as if nothing had happened. Exept for my throat. It hurt. Sitting up I was helped to stand up and I finally was awake enough to hear their words.

"Princess Ariah are you alright? Are you hurt shall I send for the healers?" That was Sinai.

"Princess we must inform the Queen of the atempt on your life!" Killian sounded angry.

"I'll rip them to peices Princess! I'll tear out their guts and decorate the hall with them!" Drake was definately angry. More like outraged.

"Princess Ariah do you want to sit down shall I get you a warm blanket?" Deserai's soft voice was like a balm after the voilent sound of Drake's voice.

"I'm sorry Princess I should have felt the trap I am a worthless Pixie" Xander was upset with himself that he didn't feel it.

I took a deep breath slowly and then took a step on my own and fixed my dress and my cloak and turned to them and I put up my hands. "Everything is okay. I'm fine. I broke the link of power on the spell. Whoever sent it after me... well they are not having alot of fun right now I assume. I felt the power link shatter. I am pretty sure it came back on them like a hundred shards of flying glass..."

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