Chapter 8

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Since I had to keep up the ruse of having Drake under my thrawl that meant we had to play the part together. I had to touch him and he had to look like he was enjoying it.

We walked down the golden hallways my arm was in the crook of Drakes arm. I realized now why he wore long sleeves tonight. To give me a bit of distance from him. To let me touch soft cotton instead of soft warm skin.

It was a small mercy that I greatly apreciated. We passed two guards and I nearly faultered in my steps as they bowed their heads to me as I passed them. What the hell?

We passed another guard and again their was a bow of thier head and then I turned my head to Drake. Before I could even ask what the hell was going on he whispered back.

"They owe their lives to you. You saved them from the wrath of the Queen. Even after they were used to try to kill you." Drake's whisper held emotions in it. I couldn't decipher them as per usual though. These elven men were all a mystery. Maybe they were crazy.

Yeah that had to be it. They were crazy. I shook my head at my own little joke and even gave a small chuckle and I felt his arm tense under my hand as I did. "Forgive me, I was just thinking how I missed the days when keeping a camp fire was my only worry at night."

"You're doing well Princess." It was a good compliment and I let a sigh leave my lips and took a deep breath. The entrance arch to the banquet hall was only a few yards away. Sinai and Killian were behind us trailing us with their hands on their swordhilts ready for anything. They were not going to let anything happen while Drake and I had to parade around at this dinner.

Xander had had to stay with deserai at the House of Starslight. They were not happy about it. But after what had happened today I couldn't bring them.

It wasn't safe.

The banquet hall was decked out in gold as usual. Bright and extravagent and regal. It was large and enormous and intimidating with everyone inside it. Drake held my arm a little closer so that I had to walk very close to him. I looked not to him but to the crowd. They parted before us. Where we walked the crowd just seemed to move away from us. Giving us room to walk through the hall.

Then we were before the Queen and I curtsied and my guards bowed and I saw my grandmother's eyes widen and then looked pleased as she looked at me and then my men around me. "Well grandaughter. I see you and your Red Knights are fairing well after the match."

I didn't physically flinch but it was a close thing. Red Knights. She had just named my guards. Now to all the kingdom they would be this from now on. The Princess's Red Knights.

My Red Knights. I took a moment and then rising to my full hight I looked up to the Queen and nodded. "Yes your majesty." I could feel eyes on me and I also felt Drake beside me like a shield. A living breathing shield and sense of safety.

"I see your champion cleans up rather nicely Ariah." She was looking at us arm in arm and a smirk lit her lips and her mad eyes were hatching plans. I could just see it.

"Yes your Majesty. He is quite the Champion, my Basalisk." I gently let my fingers squeeze around his arm.

"So do you still have the Right of the Virgin my grandaughter?" Her eyes lit with devious intent.

"Yes grandmother. I do." I heard whispers around us. Dark whispers and I ignored them all. My eyes never left the Queen's eyes. Because I saw in them something very unsettling.

She looked from me to Drake and I had to force myself not to tense. "Hmm... Tell me Ariah's Basalisk... would you give your life for the Princess?"

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