Chapter 6

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The Queen had sent the spell. She had wove the spell herself. A taste to tease me. To show me. To make me break the right of the Virgin.

I left my bedroom and went to the sitting room and saw my Guards there and none of them looked at me. I turned away and touched the wall and in my mind I wished that this would be a safe place for them aswell as me. A home for them aswell. Then I felt the wall move. No wait... that couldn't be right. I opened my eyes and infront of me where once had been only wall was now a door and beside that was another door. I looked around and found another door on the opposite wall. All of the doors had just appeared. That wasn't my magic.

Everyone in the sitting room looked up and at the doors. I reached forward and turned the handle and opened the door I was infront of and it opened to show a room with three beds. It was also furnished with weapons racks and even some weapons and a few trunks that were shut. There was even a bushy house planter with many flowers and a small lemon tree in it that would be perfect for Xander to sleep in. I stepped back and looked up at the door and knew that the pallace had just made these rooms for my guards.

I moved to the next room and saw a room for one it was definately more girly with a soft small bed and some other furnishings. It was oviously for Deserai. I moved past Sinai across the room and opened the other door and saw it was a seperate washroom. The tub was large and there was also a few shower areas and I stepped back knowing that the pallace had just brought the Starslight wing back to life.

"How did you-" Deserai spoke with wonder as she looked in her room and I shook my head.

"I didn't do this." I said looking around the room.

"The pallace awakens." Said Sinai in his deep rich voice.

I reached out and touched the wall and said softly. "Thank you..."

Dresssed in something more apropriate I was walking down the hallway surounded by my guards who had barely spoken a word after... after they saw. No I wasn't going to think about it I was going to push it out of my mind.

I was dressed in another dress and I was already missing pants. It wasnt rational to wear dresses all the time. And I didn't like the heels anymore than the dresses. But at least I was more covered up in this one.

It was plain black dress. Cut simply but still showed off too much back for me. So I also took a black cloak thankfully this one I could wrap around myself and it was a soft cotton. It even had a hood which I pulled up over my hair which Deserai had pulled into a simple long fishtailed braid that came around over my shoulder and lay over my chest and brushed to my navel.

My shoes were flats which I had only one pair of now. And that was it. Simple and black all one dark color. Deserai had asked why I was in black today and I told her simply. "I'm not in the mood for flashy colors." Which was a polite way of saying I was pissed off. I had Xander on my shoulder. I could feel him there like the lightest of weights. He was very quiet but so was everyone else.

I needed to get out of the palace. I needed some fresh air but as I was about to pass acroos the threshhold out into the Underhill two guards stepped in my path and I stopped Beside Killian who had taken infront of me. He looked pissed.

"What's the meaning of this? Let us pass!" His voice was a growl and he clenched his hand into a fist.

"Queen's orders. The Princess isn't aloud outside of the Palace." One of the guards answered.

My eyes widened in shock and I said. "What? What do you mean?" This can't be right. I had to have heard this wrong.

"Queen Orlaith has givven all the pallace guard orders to not let you pass out of the pallace, Princess of Starslight." The other Guard answered with a bit of malice in his voice.

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