r e p l a c e d ✗

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you don't sit next to me anymore in science.
you don't sit next to me anymore at lunch.
instead you're going around with that guy.
i see you laugh with him, smile with him.
hug him, be happy with him.
you've replaced me.
you found someone better.
just when i knew i liked you.
when i knew i loved you.
you meet him.
then you ask me what's wrong.
you know what's wrong?
how painful it is to look at you everyday.
seeing you happy and joyful.
but it's not because of me.
it's because of him.
even though you've helped me through so much,
even though you've made me smile on my worst days,
even though you've made me laugh when i cry,
even though you're my strength,
he's your strength.
and he's taking you away from me.
he's taking my strength away from me.
and slowly, slowly but surely,
i'm not happy anymore.
while you're off at the arcade with him,
posting pictures with him,
loving him,
i'm getting over you.
getting over loving you.
at least i'm trying.

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