Because I am not beautiful (part 2)

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I plug in my earphones, 

But even that  is not enough, 

To keep away their saddening laughter. 

I quicken my pace

In the hopes that  I will experience  less, 

But it's no use. 

My mind knows better. 

Everything  replays itself in my mind, 

In a steady slow motion. 

Focusing on every detail. 

They are like a dark forest, 

With their eyes hiding in the shadows, 

Piercing through  my soul, 

Watching  my every step. 

And the experience  is worse,

Because I have to walk back the same road home. 

So I run and I run until am breathless. 

I rush to my mirror and look at myself. 

I fail to see what they laugh at. 

I fail to see what they mock. 

Instead I see big  innocent eyes staring back at me, 

I see a pure soul, 

I see a poor lonely girl, 

Who wants nothing more than a normal life, 

Normal friends. 

To be loved and to be cherished. 

I see the good in her. 

I see because I looked past her exterior. 

I see because I searched deeper. 

I smile a sad smile. 

If only they knew what to see. 

I sob silently,

Who will tell them? 

I sleep hoping that my demons will disappear, 

But I know better, 

They are resting. 

It's always been this way. 

They are only humans after all.

As I walked up,  so do they, 

I sigh. 

One can only hope after all,  right? 


Hello everyone,  eeey, that's  the end of Because I am not beautiful.  

I hope you guys liked it.  Tell me what you think!!

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