So much but still nothing.

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Look at me well,
This is probably the last you will see of me,
Let me give you the warmest of a smile,
So that it may be engraved in your memory,
The biggest of a hug,
So that you will long for it there after,
And the happiest of a laugh,
So that you will wish to hear it again.
This will be no more when am gone.

Today I want to massage your tired back,
Warm your cold feet,
And cook you a good meal,
Even tuck you in bed if possible.

Am going to kiss you on both cheeks every night and morning,
Apply Polish on your nails for you.
Do your dishes,
And do your laundry as well.

I will plait your hair into nice braids,
And drape a blanket around you as you watch the telly.
I will even serve you tea to go along with it.

I will hand you your bag as you head for work,
Wave you good bye as you go,
And only shut the door once am sure-
You have safely headed out.

I have smiled even when you scolded me,
Scolded me for wrongs that I have not done,
Wrongs that are not wrong.
Yet I have not shed even a tear.

I have longed for affection.
I have waited for the day when,
We would both laugh at the same joke together,
You would ask me to join you to watch the telly by your side,
Or be like screw house work,
Let's go out baby girl!
But that's just it-

I am tired of waiting.
That day is a fantasy.
And that all their is to it.
Nothing more.
So I will stop waiting,
Or Longing,

My heart has bled for long,
And soon I will be seeing it die.
It's beating slower,
And less steadily
It's about time I loved myself even a little.
I want to see it strong,
And fast again.

I am going to live,
And not just be alive,
As I have been all  this time.
Goodbye auntie.
May you enjoy a life of comfort once am gone,
As you have always said.
No more burden for you.

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