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An expensive car was parked out front. Which is strange due to the fact the apartments inside were small, dirty, and inexpensive.

A girl hopped out of the passenger seat of the car, wearing jean shorts and a loose tank top. She took off her sunglasses as she looked up at the building she would soon be living in. She grabbed two duffle bags and headed inside just as the car pulled away.

After getting her key from the landlord, she climbed the stairs up to her new apartment. She saw one of her neighbors in the hallway and decided to introduce herself.

"Hey, I'm your new neighbor, I'm Arden"

"Oh hi, my name's Shayla, welcome to the building"

"Thanks" Arden replied.

"Well, I'm in a rush but we should talk later" said Shayla as she walked away.

"Yeah we should" Arden replied. She then unlocked the door to her new apartment, her fresh start.


Later that night, Arden was getting dressed up to go meet her friends at a club.

"Shit, shit, shit," she whispered when she realized the time. She was already ten minutes late and still not ready.

She ran over to her bag and immediately began searching through it. She was looking for a little baggy containing 4 pills.

"Oh, fuck me" she cursed when she realized she left them in the car. She had promised her friends she would bring them and she really didn't want to disappoint them.

She ran into Shayla in the hall again when she was leaving.

"Shayla! This is an aggressive question but do you by any chance have any molly?" Arden asked cautiously. She did not want to piss off her new neighbor.

Shayla looked at her cautiously for a second before replying:

"Yeah come inside"

The two girls walked into Shayla's little apartment.

"Thank you so much for this" Arden exclaimed as she looked around Shayla's apartment.

"Yeah, no problem, now that I know you do this kind of stuff I definitely want to hang out" Shayla laughed.

"Me too. I definitely need to get high frequently if I'm starting this new job" Arden sighed.

"Where at?" asked Shayla as she handed Arden the bag.

"My dad got me a secretary job at this place called AllSafe" Arden said.

She paid Shayla for the molly, then she opened the front door to finally get on her way to the club.

"Wow small world, my friend Elliot works there. He lives on the other side of you" She said pointing at his door.

Arden smiled and waved goodbye to Shayla as she made her way down the hallway. Arden was happy to have already bonded with her new neighbor. She doesn't really know anyone in this new neighborhood, hence why she's going 40 minutes out of her way just to see some friends at a party.

Arden arrived at the club and started looking for her friends. She texted them but no one responded.

Where are they? She thought to herself as she walked into the bathroom to call them.

No one picks up. She feels a strange feeling start to build inside her. Abandonment? Embarrassment?

One of the girls finally responds and Arden feels like an idiot. She went to the wrong club, in the opposite direction of where she's supposed to be. She has no idea how to navigate the city and she must've told the taxi driver the wrong address.

Arden decided it was already too late to go to the other club so she texts her friends that she's not going to make it. Feeling defeated with a headache brewing, she walks out of the club to find a taxi. Arden didn't get back to her building until midnight.

She was struggling to open her own door, the key did not fit and she was beginning to feel like the universe was playing a sick joke on her.

"Why are you trying to get into my apartment?" said a voice from behind her.

Arden yelped as she spun around to face a man dressed in all black.

"Oh my God you're right my apartments this one" she said walking one door over. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks as embarrassment took over her body.

"Sorry about that. You must be Elliot. I'm Arden" She said holding out her hand to the boy.

Elliot looked down at her hand, back up to her eyes, and then swiftly unlocked his door shutting it behind him. Arden was left alone in silence.
vote&comment so i know to continue this story :)

untitled. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon