Chapter 1

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Mario fell onto a patch of grass. He slowly started to get up, realizing the burning headache that he had.

He started to get up, searching if Bowser was nearby. Luckily, for him, he wasn't.

Mario got on to his feet and regained his steadiness. It took him a few seconds to gain it back completely.

When he was fully aware of his surroundings, he heard the sounds of a busy city. He turned around to see one.

"What? What is this?"

He started to walk towards the city. He had no idea of what he would find–after all, he did make this world so he and Peach could be together, and so Bowser would be out of his life.

Mario reached the inner core. There were tall business buildings, and many people roaming the streets, with taxis and sirens blowing all around him.

One thing In particular caught his attention. A TV casting the news. Peach was on it.

"So miss, tell us about the sporting event coming up on Saturday."

"Well, I will say that it is not a competition for the faint- hearted. This has gotten to be one of my favorite things to do since forever ago. It is both mentally and physically challenging. We are going to be racing on four different tracks, viewers last week chose them. We will play on the top four tracks, and compete for victory. I am not completely sure about everyone who is racing, but there are a few that I do know that will."

"Thank you miss Peach. How do you feel about the competition since your husband has gone missing?"

"I... Am still shaken up, but, I think that this will take the stress off my mind, and help me relax. After all, I still have my friends."

The TV then switched to a news studio.

"There you have it. The famous racing star, Peach Armea, has given it to you. This weekend on Mario Kart, will be holding the biggest hype of sporting in years. Some big names will be featured there, your list will be coming up, tonight at ten!"

A few people around Mario then started to talk to the people around them. He just started to walk off. He knew that he was the missing husband that Peach was looking for, but he had a slight feeling that it might have been Bowser.

He waited in the bar untill ten, just to see what was going to happen. He picked up a few dollars on the ground, some that people dropped, or loose change that he had earlier.

"Shut up! It's on men!" He heard someone yell from across the room.

"Here tonight we will give you a list of some of the people who will be racing in tomorrows tournament."

"First we will have Peach Armea!"

Some men were cheering in the background. They listed off a few other names, some he knew and some he didn't.

"And the final name, a returning champion, Rosalina Kharnova!"

Even more cheers were heard. Louder ones too. A list of names and pictures came on to the screen. He could tell why the men were cheering for the women, one, because they were half drunk, and two, because they were hot. But they were, I guess you could say, celebrities, so it made sense.

"Hey, man." A guy walked up to Mario. "You going to the race?"

"I don't know. I'm new in town."

"Well then. Boys! We got ourselves a newcomer. Let's show him how we roll."

The group of men who were cheering at the TV came over to him.

"Crash with me for tonight. By they way, I'm Shean." He held out his hand for Mario to shake it.


Shean lead him out of the bar, he waved to his drunken friends, and walked off with Mario.

"So, you're new. How do you like the big city so far? Lots of hot chicks here."

"I'm not sure of the city, I'm used to a small town, type of life."

"You get used to it. And besides, I saw the way that you looked at Peach Armea. You like her. I can tell."

"I guess so, but it's nothing more than a bit of a crush."

"Yeah, come on. We have to get home before it gets dark."


"Nice place."

"Make yourself comfortable."

"I was maybe wondering. Maybe I could crash here for a while."

"Sure, I can tell that a guy like you doesn't have a home in this city yet. Welcome to your new home roomie."

A slight smile formed on both of their faces. Shean lead him into a spare room in his, now both of yours, apartment.

"I'll get back to you Peach, I promise." Mario whispered to himself before dosing off to sleep.

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