Chapter 2

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"I promise."

Mario woke to the smell of bacon. This make the sleepy fatigue that he had vanish. He got out of bed in a steady-fast pace. No one got in the way of him and bacon in the mornings.

"Morning, Mario." Shean said as he flipped a pancake.


The TV was on, the news had been put on. To Mario, this was one of the strangest world's that he has ever been to, but he had to get used to it.

They were talking about the event tommorow, that's all the news played during these times.

"You ready to go tomorrow?"

"Yeah, It'll be my first time going to one."

"They're exiting, you'll enjoy it. Breakfast is ready."

Mario walked over to the table from the couch. There was bacon, pancakes, and eggs. A traditional breakfast, but a good one.

Shean spoke up, "Since you're new in town, the guys and I were going to show you around the city today."

"Sounds good. I'd like to learn my way around the place."

They ate the rest of their meal in silence. They put their dishes in the dishwasher and put on light jackets. It was around fall, and it was starting to get colder.

As they were walking out, they heard light chatter and laughing.

"They're already here." Shean said.

"Hey guys! What took you so long? We've been waiting out here for ages!" Matthew wined.

"On the way down here, guess what I found!" Johnathan said as they started walking.


"Rosalina Kharnova is releasing a new song, a week after tomorrow!"

"Nice! Her songs have been getting a lot better lately."

Mario was picking up what everyone did here- Peach was a model, Rosalina was a singer, and Daisy and Luigi–he hasn't heard much about them.

"Also, Daisy Barbua just got back from her honeymoon with Luigi."

"Does that mean that they're going to be racing?"

"Not sure, this paper doesn't say much about it, it only says that she might continue to keep writing her novel soon. Luigi might be going back to building his monuments."

So Daisy was an author, and Luigi was an architect.

"Oh, that's sad, but I really want to see where that book is going! The last one left off at the worst point!"

Mario spoke up, "So, where is our path leading us, exactly?"

"We're going to Central Park. From there we can see what direction that we want to go. Besides, the park is in the middle of the city."

"Ok then."

Matthew and Johnathan were chatting about girls, mostly celebrities.

There were three guys behind Mario and Shean. He hadn't learned their names yet.

"Hey Shean?"


"What are the guys name's behind us?"

"Oh, right. From left to right, it's Theo, the strategy guy, Kent, the solemn, and Grayson, our tough guy."

They were walking on their phones and talking.

They soon made it to Central Park. It was a huge green land, filled with children and couples.

"We're here. So, what direction do you want to go, Mario?"

He looked around the place, there were huge buildings to the right, and malls to the left. Even more was to be seen in front, and behind him.

He finally decided, "Let's go right."

"Ok then, off we go!" Jonathan said enthusiastically.

They started walking right, towards the buildings. Mario had never seen such huge buildings before, the largest, maybe Peach's castle, or Rosalina's Observatory, or New Donk City, but these felt bigger.

Shean and Grayson watched Mario as he looked around in fascination. They talked a bit here and there throughout the walk around. They told Mario stories o different places that they went to together, and some memories that they had of places.

They really were the best of friends, having been together for almost their whole lives.

"Hey, guys?"
"It's around twelve, should we eat?"

Before anyone said anything, Kent's stomach rumbles, along with Johnathan's.

"I'll take that as a yes then."

They soon found a small restaurant. It didn't have many people in it, but it looked promising.

----after lunch----

They walked by a giant stadium. "This is where they hold tennis tournaments." Shean said.

"And that's where the kart races are held, and where we'll be tomorrow," Johnathan said pointing right to a colosseum/dome building.

"Ok, I think that's enough for today. We should be getting home, it's getting dark fast, and besides, I'm getting cold." Said Theo.

They nodded and went in different directions from where they stood, Mario followed Shean. Even though they had a tour, he still didn't know his way around the city all that well.

Theo and Kent went towards the stadium. Grayson and Johnathan went back in the direction that they came from. And Mario and Shean went left.

"So, did you have fun today, Mario?"

"Yeah, but not as much fun as I will tomorrow!"

Shean smiled. It felt, to Mario, that he and Shean were best friends, even though they had just met the day before. He felt like he knew him from somewhere, but where?


Mario and Shean made it back to their apartment in around fifteen minutes. It had been a longer day that what it felt like it had. It had been a short 10-hour day.

Shean had started to make a can of soup for dinner. It was currently 5:45 p.m.

Mario walked to the couch and sat down, giving his feet a rest from walking all day.

"Hey, Mario," Shean called from the kitchen, "Can you turn on the news?"

Mario found the remote and turned it on to channel 10, the news channel.

In few minutes, Shean came in with two bowls of hot soup.

The news had on things like weather, and politics. None of which earlier of them cared about much.

Then something finally interesting came on the news.

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