Part 8

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You woke up with a slight headache, shit. Holding your head as you looked around, you were in your room. "Good, I didn't stay with that asshat last night. I was drunk, but not that drunk" you thought to yourself. Your room was still a mess and everything was broken. Noticing of the blood that was dripped all over the floor made you look down at your hands, flashbacks of the memories from what had happened last night were coming back to you. Great. Now that you were sober, and a little hung over, you were yet again pissed. You knew that Negan thought everything was okay, and that was right where you wanted him.

Today was pick up day, so you gathered yourself together the best you could and made your way outside and over to the trucks.

"Is it okay to talk to you, or are you going to bite my head off?" Simon said jokingly as you joined the men waiting to leave.

"Yeah," you laughed, "I had a nice long meeting with Jack Daniels." you joked to them and they laughed. Your jaw subconsciously tightening when you caught sight of Negan. Calm down, or you're going to fuck this up. You offered him a small half smile your best to not punch the smirk off of his face. You eyed Lucille as he walked over to you and put his arm around you and began to talk, "Alright, it's pick up day, take their shit, all of it. Go." he ordered.

All of it. You bit your cheek attempting to suppress your protest. You shrugged his arm off of your shoulder and tilted your head and cracked your neck, acting like that's why you cut off the contact. "I'm going to Alexandria." you told him firmly as you got in the driver's seat of the truck. He opened his mouth to speak but you spoke before he could, "Truck's full." you said motioning to Simon and the others. He looked at you and smiled at your bluntness.

"Go get 'em girl." he said proudly. He was right where you wanted him, clueless.

You turned the key and the engine roared to life, you watched as Negan walked out of the way of the long line of trucks. He was staying at The Sanctuary.

You remained silent through the duration of the ride. You reached Alexandria and told the others, "Stay here until I tell you otherwise." you ordered. They looked at you and nodded, respecting your orders. You got out of the truck and walked to the gate that lead to your people, your home. "Pick up time, I need to speak to Rick." you said.

The gate opened up, you looked back to the men in the truck and motioned with your hand to stay put. You turned and walked into the compound. You looked for Rick as the gate began to close. He came running over to you, embracing you hard and tightly. The others were soon to follow.

"You alone?" Rick asked.

"No, Negan wants to take everything. So I took initiative to make sure I came here. To tell you to hide as much as you can. I have to bring them in before the get suspicious so hurry up Rick." you told him quickly.

With a nod he motioned to the others and they ran off. You turned and walked back to the gate.

"Hey, Y/N." ,you turned back around, 'Thank you." Rick said in a gruff voice. You nodded and walked out of the gate.

"What was that about?" Simon asked you.

"These are my people, we are taking all of their shit instead of half. Thought it would go more smoothly if they heard it from me instead." you said. They bought it. You turned the truck back on and drove slowly into Alexandria. Once again turning the truck off and getting out, "Load the truck." you ordered them and they got out and did what they were told.

Rick walked over to you once again, "Any chance I can get you to come have a word with the others in there?" he pointed.

"Simon, don't do a damn thing to anyone, that goes for you guys too. If I find out that any of you disobeyed orders, I'll kill you myself, you wouldn't even make it to Negan." you said plainly as if was nothing. You saw the new, young savior tense up, you smiled, "I'll be back." you walked off.

"What happened? You give orders now?" Rick asked you.

"Ha, yeah, I carry a lot of power now." you said laughing.

You and Rick walked into a room and you smiled brightly as you saw many familiar faces that you loved. Carl, Daryl, Carol, Michonne, Maggie. Almost the whole gang...

"I have a plan." you said straight away. "Last time I was here, Simon told me that Negan has five other wives, not just me. So, that made me think..." you said as you walked over to the window to keep an eye of the Saviors progress.

"That means that I'm not the center of his attention but I get to have more power around there. So, I made a scene, acted out. Made him think I was really upset. I carried it on again when we got back to the sanctuary." you trailed on, everyone's ears perking up. "I did some damage" you laughed holding up your hands, "I'm fine, just a few cuts but it really helped sell things. I let him care for them, I faked a few tears, he likes me, really. He's practically mush with me." you looked out the window, they were almost finished.

"I forgave him" you said using air quotes, "Now he thinks things are fine, I know his weak spots, we can take him down. Together." you said crossing your arms.

"How?" Rick asked.

"We need numbers." ,you said, "I can make sure that some things are unlocked for you guys at night and make a map of his place. And when we are ready, I can keep him distracted, or even take him out when he least expects it." you finished.

"Some of his men, the younger one down there, you think you could pull a few strings to make them out there on guard duty, they'd be easy to take out, or even convert to help us." Carol said.

"I'm sure I can do that. And I could scare a few into helping out too. So we can have out own Saviors on the inside other than me." you replied shaking your head 'yes'.

"Huh-uh, I don't know. Would we be better off without the Saviors, yes or no?" Rick blurted out, reaching his arm out.

"We can do it, with our without them." you assured him. "I'll make a map and bring it to you next week along with a more detailed plan, scheduling of guards and reaction time too if I can get that too." you said looking at everyone then out of the window again.

You began walking out, "I have to go or they'll think something is up. Act like we really are taking everything, make it realistic." you winked.

Rick and Carl walked with you, "Here, take this, I'll beg you not to take it." Carl said handing it to you.

You swung open the door and stormed out of the house, the Saviors eyes looking, making sure everything was okay.

"Please, no, you're taking everything else. Please don't take my hat. Please!" Carl yelled to you, putting on a persuasive act.

Rick grabbing him, "Enough, we don't wanna make a fuss. Let them have it." he told Carl.

You turned back around, put the hat on your head and walked with a swagger to the truck. The Saviors laughed, "Nice one. They didn't have much, just slightly more than what they owe us anyway." Simon told you.

"You get everything?", they nodded to you, "Then they better get started for next week." you said.

You motioned for them to get in the truck and you did the same. You turned the truck around, stopping in front of Rick. "Don't be short next week.", you stared into his eyes, he pretended to look scared and looked at the ground and motioned for the gate to open.

You didn't talk for the entirety of the drive back to The Sanctuary. You put the truck in park and got out, "Unload this shit." you ordered the Saviors, "Simon you don't have to. Let the new kids do it." you finished, more trucks were pulling into the compound and unloading.

Negan made his way to the returning trucks and caught sight of you. "New hat? You take that from Rick's kid? Damn, takin' things from children, doll you're cold." he said touching the brim of the hat.

You turned so your body was square with his, "Well, Negan, I guess you don't know how much this world changes yourself. What you would do for the people you love."

"I love the way you said that, like you're some crazy bitch." he said to you stepping closer to that his chest was on yours. "You lettin' this power go to that pretty little head of yours, doll? Just remember who's the boss around here. "

You had a small audience, mainly the people doing the unloading of the stolen goods.

"Well, Negan, there's a new sheriff in town." you pushed him with your shoulder as you walked confidently towards your room.

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