Go for good

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Para la persona que regresó para solo irse

I started to write more
About the feelings I don't talk
We thought it was over
Finally over!
But life told us we're such a fools
That thought about a great joke

I want you to go
To go for good
To leave me like the way you promised
And not to come back like two days ago
And lied about we're just strangers
But surely we are not
You want me when your alone
I want you when I'm not
That's the huge difference

I'm not the villain in this story
I remembered your words
"You hurt me like no one else did"
Sure about that?
Well, you don't get to see by my eyes
I want you to feel my pain when you were gone
But I'm too good to you
Too good to me
Because we all know
You're gonna leave again
And throw me in a desert empty of water

If you came to stay
The stay for me

I have one eye that's shows some light, a fine line of light, the other one, well the other is dark and filled with anger it's seems like all the light and happiness in my eyes it's getting lost, and the dark part the sad, angry, hopeless and self hated part is growing

¿Por qué volviste? ¿Por qué regresaste? No sabes lo difícil que se me hizo superarte y lo difícil que se me hizo lograr lo que tú querías. "La próxima vez que nos veamos seremos desconocidos", pero es tan difícil porque tú simplemente llegas como si nada. ¿Por qué regresaste? ¿Para volverme a lastimar? Irte así, como si nada. Dejarme atrás otra vez. ¿Restregarme en la cara como tú ya seguiste adelante? Si no volviste para quedarte por favor vete. Porque esta vez no permitiré que me vuelvas a lastimar

Si viniste para quedarte, malditas mis ilusiones
Malditos mis recuerdos


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