Episode Two - Three White Mice

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Driving through the suburbs, a small, bright blue Volkswagon was cruising along, the front two occupants of the vehicle singing hard out to the stereo while the purple girl on the backseat was fully engrossed in the small rodents scurrying around in the pet cage beside her. Upon closer inspection, the music the car was playing was oddly familiar...

"Let me drive my van into your heaaaaart. Let me drive my van into your heaaaaaaaart..."

Angel burst out laughing. "Steven, I can't believe your dad is Greg Universe! I've had this CD for years! My parents brought it with them to the UK when I was little, I thought I was the only one who knew all the lyrics."

"I gotta admit, singing in a duet is way better," Steven replied.

"Haha, of course it is, young Steven. It is for this purpose group karaoke nights were invented, mainly to conceal the voices of those poor souls without musical talent... not us, though. We rock. Literally, apparently. Right, Amethyst?"

"Dang straight. Gems by nature 'rock'. And dude, I love your pets!" exclaimed Amethyst, peering into the cage.

"Thanks," replied Angel as she smiled into the rearview mirror. "I brought them back from England with me. Couldn't bear to leave the rascals behind."

Steven turned his head around the seat, watching the three mice and their gleaming white fur. "What are their names?"

"Well, there's Lazy Sue," Angel explained. "Then there's Jumping Jack and His Majesty."

Amethyst snorted. "Which one's 'His Majesty'?"

In the cage, the snootiest looking and cleanest mouse lifted his head, smoothing down his fur while looking down his nose at the other mice; one scurrying around and jumping over everything to try and take in this unusual environment, the other snoozing and not really bothered about being in a car.

"Never mind, I think I found him." Amethyst opened the tiny door of the cage and shapeshifted into a tiny purple mouse. She hopped into the cage, closing the door behind her and approaching His Majesty.

"Hey," she said. "How's it going? Oh, I mean... squeakity squeak squeak."


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His Majesty stared at her wide-eyed, blinking as Amethyst scratched her ear.

Angel planted her foot harshly on the brake, forcing the car to a stop as she spun around and stared at the cage in disbelief, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

"What in the world...?" she murmured.

"Amethyst can shapeshift," Steven explained simply.

Angel blinked at Steven. "Wait, what?"

"It's a Crystal Gem thing. All the gems can do it."

"Can you?"

Steven shrugged. "Eh, not very well. It's kinda hard."

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