Episode Four - Lars and the Clumsel

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Laughter rang out through the Big Donut as Jamie stood on one foot and moved his arms like he was swimming underwater. Steven, Sadie and Angel stood chuckling by the counter, doubled over with tears in their eyes. Making fish lips, Jamie did a spin and waved his arms like he was doing a dramatic backstroke.

"It's... it's Aqua Shakespeare," gasped Angel through fits of laughter.

"Correct!" cried Jamie, pointing at Angel. "Okay, your turn."

Grinning, Angel skipped to the centre of the room and swapped places with him. She took a moment to think before holding up two fingers.

"Two words," said Sadie.

Standing on tiptoe, Angel pirouetted and raised an arm above her head before stretching out and sliding gracefully across the floor, finishing in a ballet position. She seemed slightly surprised with herself and giggled quietly.

"Wow," murmured Jamie under his breath, his face blushing slightly.

"It's a dance," exclaimed Steven.

Angel nodded before holding up one finger.

"Okay, first word," Steven said.

With a serious expression, Angel lifted her arm over her head, her hand pointing out in front of her.

"Uh, something to do with height?" asked Steven.

"Jack and the Beanstalk!" cried Jamie. "No, that's four words. Um..."

Angel waved her arms like she was flapping wings.

"Bird?" suggested Sadie. "Tall bird? Ostrich! No, that's stupid."

"Chicken... the chicken dance!" cried Jamie.

Angel dropped her arms and rolled her eyes with a smirk, shaking her head.

"Okay, not the chicken dance."

Sighing, Angel held up two fingers again.

"Trying for the second word now, okay," said Steven.

Shoulders slumping, Angel's face fell as she realised this was probably a much more difficult word than the first one. She dropped down to the floor, lying on her back like a sea star and staring at the ceiling.

"Bird... star?" muttered Sadie.

"Is that a thing?" asked Jamie.

Angel shook her head. "Glug glug glug, gurgle gurgle, wave wave, swish swish..."

"You can't do sound effects," Steven insisted.

Angel closed her mouth again, lips pursed.

"So something to do with water." Sadie rested her chin in her hand. "Um... ugly duckling? Seagull?"

"Oh! Is it the sixth Wandering Parrot movie?" asked Steven.

Frowning, Angel lifted her head up. "I'm sorry, what?"

"No talking," said Jamie.

Angel pushed herself up and started dancing again. Her movements were slow and graceful, feet lightly touching the ground as she closed her eyes and spun across the room. The corner of her mouth rose as she extended an arm and spun on one leg, her other leg tucked into her body as her hair whipped behind her head. Putting her arms against her side, Angel was just preparing to do a leap when...


Gasping, Angel's eyes flew open as she crashed into the drinks fridge, knocking the wind out of her and sending her sprawled across the shop floor. She groaned at the force of the impact, grinding her teeth and scrunching up her fists tightly.

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