Episode Three - History Lesson

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The group had gathered at the beach, the three mutated mice finally captured in Rose Quartz bubbles. Occasionally, the mice stealthily began to roll in their bubbles down the beach but Garnet and Amethyst managed to intersect them. Lion had shown up and was taking a very keen interest in them, Steven struggling to restrain him and keep him from getting too close.

Tapping her foot nervously, Pearl had her hand to her mouth, examining Angel sitting on a tall rock in the sand. Carefully, Pearl brushed aside the hair covering Angel's forehead as she studied the unpleasant bruise which was slowly appearing. Grandpa Brady had his arms folded and his fingers were anxiously tapping, beads of sweat clinging to his forehead.

 Grandpa Brady had his arms folded and his fingers were anxiously tapping, beads of sweat clinging to his forehead

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"I still don't understand how you got a bruise that bad," Pearl muttered, letting Angel's hair fall back down.

"I was hit by a rock," Angel replied simply, causing Amethyst to snigger loudly.

"It's not funny, Amethyst!" growled Pearl. "When you fell on her, your gem smacked right against her skull. I just hope there's no lasting damage to her..."

Cautiously, Pearl tapped Angel's forehead. Angel yelped and quickly lifted her hands to cover it, making Pearl go even paler than she already was.

"Ah, sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Pearl cried, her face flushing bluey green.

"It's all right," murmured Angel. "I've been through worse battles. I got rammed into by a unicycling juggler, once. That was a very peculiar day. He was nice, though."

"Pearl, you don't just touch people's bruises," said Steven, keeping a tight hold of Lion as he struggled to wrestle him away from the giant mice. Lion stuck his paw in Steven's face, causing Steven to spit out the pink hairs that got in his mouth. "Lion, no! Bad giant kitty. Here Pearl, let me heal her."

"Heal me?" Angel repeated. "What do you mean?"

Still keeping an eye on the bubbles, Garnet stepped forward to hold Lion back while Steven stepped away. He held his hand up and spat in his palm, lifting it up to put on Angel's forehead when she hastily leaned away, eyes wide and face paler than she already was.

"Steven, you know using spit as a healing remedy was just a VERY unhygienic superstition from the olden days, right?" she asked nervously.

"It's okay," Steven replied. "My spit has healing powers."

"Whaaaaat...?" Angel pulled a desperate face at her grandfather.

"Don't look at me, I know nothing about these magical ladies," Grandpa Brady remarked. "You might want to let him give it a try though, sweetie. You know your mother would have a panic attack if she saw that, let alone if she saw you fighting monsters. She worries about you, duckling."

Angel rolled her eyes and shook her head, a smirk playing on her mouth.

Biting his lip, Steven toyed with the material of his shirt, his hand pressed to the gem in his belly button.

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