Episode Nine - Job Hunting

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"Stevonnie, your training is really coming along," Pearl remarked, stepping down from the warp pad with a proud smile. "Have the two of you been practising?"

Stevonnie giggled, giving a light shrug. "Maybe just a little bit."

"Well it certainly shows," said Pearl. "Well done."

Taking a deep breath, Stevonnie was about to unfuse when the phone started ringing. Frowning, Pearl picked it up, answering it with a slightly puzzled tone.

"Hello? Oh, Mr Nelson! Hello, how are you?"

Stevonnie's face lit up, hands clasped together as they watched Pearl excitedly. "Hi, Mr Nelson!"

Pearl chuckled, smiling at the fusion. "Steven and Connie say hi. What was that? Oh, no, we haven't seen her today. Um, no, I'm afraid not. Sorry, I can't be any more help. Okay, bye."

As Pearl hung up, Stevonnie tilted their head to the side. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm not sure," Pearl murmured. "He said Angel ran out of the house in a hurry this morning and was wondering if we'd seen her."

Biting their lip, Stevonnie folded their arms thoughtfully before their eyes widened. "Oh! She said she was going to go job hunting today. She must have wanted to get started straight away."

"Huh... I don't know why but I always find money a complicated necessity of human life," Pearl confessed.

"We should go see if she's in town!" Stevonnie gasped excitedly. "She was so excited to meet Opal and Sardonyx! I'm sure she'd love to meet us!"

Before Pearl could say anything on the matter, Stevonnie was sprinting across the room and out the front door, their long hair billowing out behind them as they jumped down the stairs and ran madly across the sand.

"Oh boy," Pearl muttered, raising a hand over her eyes.

Dashing eagerly along the boardwalk, Stevonnie's head spun around as they kept their eyes out for any sign of blonde and blue hair. They sprinted barefoot down the boardwalk, earning a few puzzled glances from passersby but Stevonnie didn't really mind.

"Oh man, I wonder what sort of job she'll get!" they exclaimed in delight. "Maybe she'll be a chef! Or a teacher! Or a science fiction writer! Hey, there she is."

Face glowing brightly, Stevonnie lifted their hand up about to wave and call out when they suddenly stopped, arm lowering as they stared at Angel across the boardwalk.

Angel had certainly worked hard to look the part, wearing a smart blazer over her white blouse. Her purple skirt was now black and she'd even replaced her bright sneakers with work shoes which was a surprise.

What really got Stevonnie's attention was how sad Angel looked; her eyes downcast and her hands loosely holding a file in front of her as she walked across the boardwalk. With a sigh, she sank down on a bench, leaving the file sitting beside her as she rested her head in her palms and stared at the ground.

Almost without hesitating, Stevonnie walked over to her, giving a light clear of their throat before talking to her.

"Um, hey? Are you all right?"

"Um, hey? Are you all right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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