Chapter One

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    You couldn't stand to look at him. You absolutely couldn't believe you agreed to go on a date with a perv Tinder dude. You only did it it because you felt bad for him. Yet, there you both are,in a nice western themed bar and cafe, with the guy of your nightmares. He was sitting across from you and so far all you could notice is that his eyes were glued to your cleavage. You arrived at the restaurant hungry but after this half an hour so far occasion, you has lost your appetite. You decided to just eat a bread stick so you wouldn't feel anymore light-headed then you already were. You noticed the waitress approaching you so you ordered two shots of whiskey. The nasty Tinder dude blabbered on and on about how his now ex-wife left him for a former gay porn star. You wanted to laugh but you didn't want him to actually think you were interested in him... because you really weren't. 

A few minutes later of you taking down the two shots and mumbled "hmm"'s towards the man after he spoke, you noticed a tall man, looked around your age, a slight green tint, a full head of jet black hair, and a nicely toned body walk seductively towards one of the stools in front of the bar.  You couldn't help but to stare. You bit your lip slightly, too. Your nonsense day- night dreaming was interrupted. 

"And I was all like, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR'E LEAVING ME FOR FLAVIO?! You know?" the man slurred a bit louder than you were comfortable with. But to be honest you weren't comfortable with any of this.  "Yeah" you answered still looking at the man at the bar. You could have sworn he could feel your burning eyes melting the back of his head, so you decided to look away. Now you were looking at him through your peripheral vision. He turned his head ever so smoothly towards your direction, a large shot of what to seemed some type of liquor in one of his rather large hands. He gulped it down quickly with no hesitation. You turned your head to look at him but to your surprise he was already looking at you. He smirked and your face went red hot as you could tell by his reaction you were blushing. He smiled a full smile this time, showing his rather unusual pointed teeth. You smiled back a bit, but not showing any of your teeth and he spun around, grabbed another shot,and faced towards you once again.  He was very handsome and you were wondering why he was looking at you the way he twisted your head the other way to make sure he wasn't looking at someone behind you instead and it was clear now that you were the only one in his vision. 

"Hey Y/n, baby, how about you come sit next to me, eh?" His voice brought you back to reality and you looked up at him. "Err.. I'm actually okay sitting here." you said to him hiding your anger due to the fact he had called you 'baby'. "Fine. I'll just have to sit over there with you." he said bu this words were all distorted like. You had't been paying attention to him so you really didn't know what he had he drank or how much for that matter. You grew anxious and you quickly looked back to the handsome man and he was still observing you. Not creepily, bu tit was calming for some reason. Before you could choke anything out to the perv date, he was already waddling over across the table an he plopped right down next to you. Your headache had soon returned as he reeked of Doritos and teenage boy body odor- which was even creepier because he was a grown man.  You cringed and he slammed his sweaty hand on your upper thigh and you jumped a little from shock. "N-no." you manage to yelp out to him. "Shh, I know you want this." his arm glided up, reaching under your dress. He licked his lips and you were trembling from fear.  You tried to push him off but you could't. You were helpless and he grunted as he played with your skin. "I said no!" you eventually yelled, using all of your strength to push him off the booth, falling on the floor. "You fucking prude bitch." he yelled in your face making you cower into the booth. He stood up and raised his arm as if he were going to hit you. 

"Hey would you like this order to-go?" a deep English voice had spoke, your eyes were squeezed shut so you couldn't recognize. "Huh?" the perv asked and turned around, you squinted your eyes open and saw the handsome mystery man behind the pervert. He winked at you and threw a hard punch at the perv's face. He fell over and the handsome man punched him again and again until blood appeared on his knuckles. A crowd of people surrounded you, the now purple-nosed pervert, and this mystery stranger. He grabbed him by his collar, "Don't ever fucking touch or talk to her ever again" The man swung once more and got up as you peered from the booth, still shaking but adrenaline filled your bones at the same time. The handsome green man reached his long muscular arm out to you. "C'mon love." He said wiping blood off his knuckles onto a rag on the table. He spoke soft an caring, you blushed and took his offer to leave the cafe with him. As the both of you exited the cafe, people applauded and cheered. 

Once the both of you made it outdoors he looked down at you and smiled. "I'm sorry for all of that drama, love. I just couldn't stand to see a pretty lad like yourself all miserable like that. And once I saw you try to push him off of ya, I lost it."

"N-no drama. You saved me. I could have gotten hurt pretty bad from a big guy like that."

You looked down, blushing up a storm and you noticed his arm still interlocked with yours, you smiled and looked back up at him. 'Oh my god this guy is so hot' you thought to yourself as he towers over you. 

"Alright then love, are you sure you are okay/" he questioned.

"Yes. Thank you again. W-what's your name?"  you said as you both stared into each others eyes.

"Murdoc Faust Niccals, the one and only" he said quite cockily. You giggled as he smirked.

"Can I have yours, love?"

"Y/n L/n" you said blushing as he practically hypnotized you with his eyes.

"That's a beautiful name,darling. It suits you." Murdoc whispered to you.

"Give me your arm" he demanded teasingly and he laughed  a quiet low chuckled and you willingly handed your arm over to him. 

"Thank's love." Murdoc reached into his back pocket and pulled out a black pen. He scribbled something down.

"What's this?" you already knew what is was but you longed for his voice to fill your ears more than anything. You looked up  into his eyes once again.

"My number and a little note for ya." he said leaning down so he was a little above your eye level. His mouth was now next to your ear and you could feel the anticipation shaking in his and your breath. His heat radiating off of him onto you. 

"Call me, beautiful" He whispered and you felt butterflies appear in your stomach.

"I-I will, Murdoc." you said as he stood up once again, now towering over you. He brushed his hand softly against your cheek and winked. Then you felt his heat leave your body. He was walking back to his car, he got in and started the engine.You stood there following everything he did with your eyes. He glanced at you and smiled, an obvious dusty rose color appeared across his cheeks. 'Satan you are something else..'  Murdoc thought to himself as he drove away.

You made it to your car safe and once you go in, you took a deep breath. A lot had happend tonight. You were glad that you didn't have to worry about the shitty excuse for a Tinder date anymore. You smiled as you thought of Murdoc. You had just met the man but you two had an obvious attraction for each other. You started your engine and looked at your arm-

'Call or txt me,luv. i'll show you  real date;)'

The note across your arm had read in small, messy letters. Along beside it was Murdoc's phone number. You quickly entered it into your phone and started to pull out of the cafe's parking lot. You turned on the radio to a station that usually plays some music of your liking. 

"Up next we have a new single from Gorillaz! Feel Good Inc." The radio had spat out. You sighed and grinned. As you loved the damn bass of that song.

~HEYOOO, its the end of the first chapter! Yeah it was a long one but i have so much more in the works for this Murdoc X Reader. I already have at least 7 chapters written and I just need to type them out! I hope you enjoyed and feel free to leave any comments or recommendations for the story. 


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