Chapter Three

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    Today was Russel's birthday party and you didn't even know who the man was besides what Murdoc had told you. Over the following days leading up to the part, Murdoc and you had talked on the phone every night. You were falling for him and you hated yourself for it. You didn't want to get hurt like all of your other relationships.  Murdoc was different. You didn't know what is was, but you knew it. 

    You had decided to wear a knitted light pink sweater and a skirt to the party. Your bra was piercing through your sides but you didn't care. You had the adress to Kong Studios on the kitchen counter and you were quite nervous to see Murdoc and meet the rest of the band.

    You had done very light makeup and brushed out your hair It was 8:00 o'clock (p.m.) and that meant thirty more minutes before you were inside Kong Studios with Murdoc. You were hoping it wouldn't be a HUGE party because you weren't really one for crowds unless you were drunk.But knowing the fact that Gorillaz is one of the most popular bands in England, it was probably going to be big. 

You sat down for about fifteen minutes at the edge of your bed, trying to think of scenarios that could happen with you and Murdoc tonight. Yo checked the time and it was about 8:17 so you decided to take a deep breath and grab the address of of the counter.

"On my way:)" you had texted Murdoc. 

No longer than 15 seconds later he had responded. "Can't wait to see you". You had flushed a deep red and couldn't wait to see him.

You drove following the address and decided to turn on the radio. It just so happens to be playing your favorite song and you bobbed you head to the beat, singing along as well.

You then pulled into a large mansion-looking building with the letters above a gate that read "KONG STUDIOS".

You parked and got out. You took deep breaths trying not to let your anxiety get the best of you. You then walked to the door. You rang the doorbell and looked around. This place looked like a fucking graveyard. But for some reason you found it welcoming. The place was also packed full of cars. You then turned around to face the door and there he was leaning against the door frame. You jumped a tad bit.

"Oh! I'm sorry,love. I didn't mean to scare ya." Murdoc said as he eyes you up and down and a smile plastered across his face and a dusty rose tint across his cheeks. 

You eyed him down as well. A nice fitting black turtle neck, a thick brown leather belt holding up his black jeans, cowboy-ish style boots, and to top it off- an upside down cross necklace hanging around his neck on a gold chain. Not going to lie you found it really hot.

"You didn't scare me. You just- uh-"

"Scared ya?" He cut you off cockily and a shit eating grin spread to him face.

"Shut up." you giggled.

"Why don't you come inside and let me have a better look at you." His face softened you nodded, walking past the tall door that he was holding open for you. There was so many people here. Dancing, drinking, music, alcohol. ALCOHOL. The word flooded your mind like honey. 

Your thoughts were cut off by Murdoc grasping your hand gentle and started to lead you somewhere.

"Where are we going?" you asked nervously. Oh god, did he bring you here just to get a good fuck out of you and leave your heart shattered? " He must have sensed your nervousness and he looked at you and smiled a kind, harmless smile.

"You'll see." He continued to walk while leading you next to/a little behind him. You and him passed by a tall, slim man with blue hair and two eyes that were black..or very very dark red at least. You weren't afraid of him. He smiled a worried smile at you and you could also see he had some teeth missing. He walked over to you and Murdoc, stopping him and you. Murdoc sighed frustrated. 

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