Chapter Two

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~Hey this is a fat filler chapter. I'm sorry it's pretty short but Chapter three is FULL of fluff and some heated stuff;)~

About  a week ago you arrived home exhausted but in bliss. You were so tempted to text Murdoc, you just didn't know what to say. Or maybe Murdoc was playing a trick on you. There is no way a man that sexy would actually want to go out with you. You wanted to sound sexy and mysterious like him. Now, about a week later, you built up enough confidence to call him. 

"Heyy Murdoc... It's Y/n, you told me to call you so-uh here I am?" You were practicing in the mirror and that was the most absolutely pathetic thing you had ever heard. "Fuck it" 

You looked through your phone contacts and soon came across the name that made your heart skip a beat. 'Murdoc Niccals'  You pressed dial and took a deep breath.

"Hello?" Murdoc answered on the third or fourth ring.

"Hey M-Murdoc. It's Y/n." you said as your hands trembled.

"Oh hey! I was startin' to think ya were avoiding me, love." 

"I would never, Mr. Niccals." you teased.

"That's a good thing to hear, darling."

"Heh... yeah" You blushed. 'God fucking dammit why did he make you feel this way'

"I bet ya blushin' right now... aren't you? He chuckled and hummed at your responsive gasp.

"What?N-no. How did you-"

"Because that's just you,love."

"Ha-Ha very funny, Niccals" You teased once more as you twirled your hair.

"Anyways... The band is havin a birthday party for Russ."

"Band? Russ?" You questioned as he chuckled a bit against the phone.

"Gorillaz-I'm the bassist.. Russel's the drummer, 2-D is our vocalist, and Noodle is our guitarist. Russel is having a birthday party and i wanted to know if ya would like to accompany me, darling?"

You smiled really wide. You've heard of Gorillaz on the radio and you knew their most recent song, "Feel Good Inc.' And you loved the bass on the songs... no wonder.

"I would love to."

"R-really? Oh-ah alright,love. I'm glad to hear that. It's next Thursday at 8:30 pm. At Kong Studios!" You could hear the excitement in his voice and that made you giggle.

"Alright" You fell back on to your bed.

"So- Y/n.. what are you doing right now at this very moment."

"Laying in bed, talking to you, thinking about what I should wear to Russel's party." 

'Oh Y/n, you could wear a fuckin' trash bag and still catch my eye as the most beautiful woman I've ever layed my eyes on." He chucked at the last part which made you go beet red.

"Ah, Murdoc."

"Yes, love?" he responded cockily.

"Are you going to break my heart, Niccals?" you responded shyly.

"I won't Y/n."


"Okay." he said i the cutest little giggle. A sudden wave of exhaustion hit you like a bus but you longed to hear his voice cut through your brain more.

"I'm tired." you accidenty blurted out.

"Oh but our 'okays' were really getting exciting"

"I know. I'm sorry" You laughed a bit and snuggled yorself up into your bed, still on the line.

"Get some rest, darling."

"i'll try."

"goodnight Y/n" he said softly, which was different from his usual voice.

"Goodnight Murdoc."

You hung up the phone and smiled "Holy shit" you mumbled to yourself. You soon drifted asleep, thinking of Murdoc and his sweet little remarks and compliments towards you.

Murdoc's POV:

    He couldn't keep his mind off of her. He had just officially met her no longer than a week ago but he had seen her around town before. At bars, drunkenly singing karaoke, tripping over herself, eating a meal alone, he had always admired her from a distance. In no way was this a stalker situation. It's a small town and the same people go to the same places. Her soft skin, the color in he cheeks, her hair, her... everything. He wanted her and he wanted her desperately. Face-ache couldn't even ruin her for him. Since the moment he had laid eyes on her he just couldn't keep his eyes off her. He had always craved certain things from women. Sex. Bu this... this was odd. He wanted more. He wanted dedication, affection, love, whispers of sweet nothings into his ears before falling asleep at night. A-a relationship?

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