Chapter 1 - Bullshit and kinky guy

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It was cold and dark. And quiet, too, for she couldn't hear anything besides Sebastian's struggling breathing and her own painful sobs. Everything was hurting. The car was sinking. Water had already reached her chest. They couldn't move. They were stuck in the death trap which was Sebastian's car. They would die. If only she had not begged him to go with her at that stupid party. If only she had not gone behind her parents' back. If only...

She was so cold and terrified. There was a grinding noise coming from the car as it sank and sank, and sank.

A hand, cold but comforting, grasped hers. Water reached her chin. She turned her head and her watery blue eyes met the green eyes of Sebastian. She loved his eyes. They were always full of mirth and love and peace. Now they were sad and broken. Full of despair. It hurt. It hurt so much.

"It's...going to be o-okay love," he said in a tearful voice. " You're going to be okay."

She shook her head and cried, "It's not Seb. It's my fault. I'm so sorry."

He squeezed her hand. "Don't be," he smiled sorrowfully. "I love you."

She wanted to answer, to tell him she loved him too, to tell him she hoped they'll meet again in their next life. She wanted to tell him how wonderful a person he was. There were so many thing still unsaid. So many things that will never be said. But she couldn't, for water had reached her lips and it was a question of seconds before it reached her nose.

His eyes looked beyond her and widened. He squeezed one last time and let her hand go. He would never grasp it again.

Her lungs burned and burned and burned. Sebastians'eyes were glassy. They would never shine with life again. She wanted to let go, too. But she couldn't. She had always been good at swimming and holding her breath. But it still burned. And then it didn't anymore.

There were voices, though. They were saying things she couldn't understand. It was cold and dark.

"She's not breathing."

"Her heart stops. Bring me defibrillator!"

"And the boy?"


The voices faded. The cold and the darkness too. There was a green grassy plain in front of her, cut in half by a river which water was shining under a bright blue sky. A simple wooden bridge without any barriers crossed over it and helped to reach the other side. She put her foot on it, feeling warm and peaceful. She walked. It was longer than she had first thought. She could already see the beautiful scenery waiting for her. Her gran was there too, smiling warmly at her, although it was a bid sad. She grinned and waved at her.

Once at the half of the bridge, she stopped. Something was tugging on her whole body and she couldn't move forward anymore. Looking back, a red rope encircled her and tugged once more, as if to beg her to walk backward.

She fell on the river. Her whole body tingled. No, more than that. She felt... electrified. Whole. Too whole. Her mind wasn't only her own anymore.

"It's been five minutes. She's dead."

"Time of death, 3:38 a.m."

"Poor children, they were probably at a party. Their parents should be waiting for them."

"Any clues of who they are?"

"Yeah, we found their papers on the boy. Sebastian Lockwood and Madeline Gilbert."

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