Chapter 6 - The mystery flower and Doctor J.

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Madeline turned the page of the old, thick and dusty book in front of her with a sigh, her eyes running from left to right as she tried to make sense of what was written on the yellowed paper. The sheet of paper cracked slightly under her fingers and Jenna, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table with a book of her own, raised her head.

"Be careful," her aunt reprimanded her, "that's history you've got in your hands."

"Right," she drawled and turned another page, "history on the very barbaric and gibberish-y Sun and Moon curse. How in hell is it going to help us with the Salvatores? They're already walking in the sun and I don't seen them burning. The whole thing is pure bullshit." Which, clearly, was a pity. They would make quite a good fire to roast marshmallows. It wouldn't even be called murder as they weren't human. Right?

Jenna closed her book and leant her chair back on the legs, one hand gripping the edge of the table. Though they had managed to find quite a lot of information on vampires, they couldn't be sure of their accuracy. Seeing as Elena was dating one of the Salvatore and the oldest brother was doing who knows what to Caroline, they couldn't afford to make a mistake. Especially when Elena was stalking her boyfriend and wanted to turn Damon in, and they couldn't watch Caroline around the clock. Drugging her had been a temporary fix, nothing more.

"Let's not forget that Elena can act quite impulsively when she's angry," Madeline said, breaking Jenna out of her thoughts, "and believe me, she was angry at Damon and Stefan."

If Elena had her way, both brothers would be behind bars before the end of the week. And honestly, Madeline had no desire to see what would happen to the inmate population should such a thing occur. Human versus... vampires. God, she couldn't believe that she was even acknowledging the possibility of vampires existing.

*Look at that face. Totally thinking about vampires.*

"You know me too well Aunt Jenna," she chuckled wearily before admitting in a quiet voice, "I'm scared."

"I know. I am too. But I'll do anything to make sure you're all okay at the end of the day." Jenna stretched her arm across the table and stopped her hand about an inch away from Madeline's, obviously forcing herself to not grip it tightly, "it's going to be fine sweetie, I promise. Vampires, werewolves, witches, mutants," the blonde cracked a smile, "or even Tinkerbell, I won't let anyone and anything hurt any of you."

"Please, don't stop Tinkerbell. Going to Neverland has been in my bucket list since forever."

"Oh well, I guess I could come with you then. To protect you of course..." *and find myself a sexy pirate too.*

"Seeing the lack of fuckable women on the island, you'll find yourself with the whole crew."

They looked at each other before they burst out laughing. All the stress and tension built up over the last few days left Madeline's body. It felt good, laughing like this with her aunt. She felt free even though her diaphragm was slightly aching. It had been years since she had been able to laugh like that, and the action was a bit foreign, but so damn good.

"You know," Jenna said after catching her breath, "I'm pretty sure it's one of these subjects I'm not supposed to talk with you." *At least not aloud.*

"Pretty sure I don't care," she replied with a grin, her lips stretching from ear-to-ear. "Anyway, I don't know about you, but I don't think I can stake a vampire. So... Vervain? How do we use it?"

"No idea. That's a work in progress. For now, we'll just keep some of it with us."

She lifted an eyebrow. "And how are you going to convince Elena and Jeremy to walk around the town with flowers? We can't just go and tell them 'Hey, do you see that guy? It's not a he, it's a it. A vampire. But don't worry, these little flowers will protect you from its pointy teeth.' I'm sure their face would be funny though."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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