Chapter 5 - When it go kaboom, be an octopus.

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If there was one thing life had taught Madeline, it was that there was no point in trying to escape nightmares. There were such a vicious thing, those nightmares, always coming back when people were at their weakest point, when they had no way to defend themselves. When they were asleep.

It was probably why, looking at Caroline sleeping on the sofa, Madeline felt guilty. Well, not totally guilty, but a little bit. The 'completely guilty' would without doubt come once her panic had receded. Because, seriously, she had drugged her sister's friend. With said sister's sleeping pills. It had been a reckless decision. A very bad move, irresponsible and possibly dangerous for the blonde's health. At the moment, it had seemed like a good idea. Asleep, Caroline wouldn't have been able to go home with the scary weirdo. She had even called the girl's mother so the woman would know where Caroline was.

In reality though? Nope. Not a good idea. Definitely not. Even if she managed to forget, for just a tiny moment, how dangerous it could have been - could still be - for Caroline, the girl's thoughts reminded her, again and again, how a bad idea it had been. Ever since she fell asleep, she had been having a nightmare. Madeline had accidentally touched her to remove the scarf and seen the same monster who had haunted Vicki's sleep at the hospital, aka Damon Salvatore in his Pokémon disguise. Unfortunately, being drugged also meant Caroline was unable to awaken despite being completely scared and trapped inside her mind. All because of Madeline.

Seriously, why couldn't she have died and reincarnated into an octopus? Life would have been much simpler. Even living as a rock would be better, just because she would then be able to slip into the shoes of people she disliked. Ah, what an existential question! Octopus or rock, what was better?

Though there might be a third way. Being a cloud could be quite fun, what with raining on people. That, and being so high in the sky that she wouldn't have to hear people's thoughts. And Caroline's scared nightmares. And her sister wondering how to speak with her without screaming like a banshee for ruining the evening.

The door of the living room opened, a slight creaking echoing in the silent house. Elena walked in and opened her mouth to speak before seeing Caroline. Wrinkles appeared on her forehead as she frowned, puzzled.

"Caroline's still here?" she wondered aloud, "I thought she left with Damon."

"Obviously not," Madeline replied in a brusque tone, a bit annoyed on the blonde's behalf -even though she had no right after drugging the girl. How could her sister not realize her friend hadn't gone home? "Unless Caroline has some weird doppelganger hooking up with the guy while she gets her beauty sleep."

*I haven't even realized...* Elena thought guiltily, a hand scratching her head. A sigh left her lips. She glanced at Madeline, grinding her teeth. "Can we talk...elsewhere?"

Yeah right, she might felt guilty for drugging Caroline but Madeline wasn't stupid. The girl was sleeping like a dog, she might as well stay in the same room so Elena wouldn't scream at her.

Not moving from her place on the armchair, she shook her head tiredly. No doubt the conversation was going to be exhausting. "I'd prefer staying here, if you don't mind," she replied quietly, "just to be sure we don't wind up in some screeching contest."

"Right," Elena said briskly, seething, her blood nearly boiling with anger, "because I've no reason to be angry with you. No reason at all." A glare. "You ruined the evening Maddie! The 'family meets boyfriend' thing, okay, I get it, but Damon? Stefan's brother? You've been a bitch to him before he even said a thing to you! What's wrong with you seriously? Do you hate me so much you feel you've to embarrass me every time I feel better?"

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