Where is She?!

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AN: Hey guys two things. One I know I'm just really weird and I've started using some photos of my friends and myself. And just noticed this, over 200 reads!!! Thank you so much. Sorry, keep reading.


"Ron would you get your fat arse out of bed and get dressed!"Harry whispered sharply.

"What, why?" Ron asked back shaking off his grogginess.

"It's Hermione, now get dressed would you!" Harry threw some clothes he had found in Ron's dresser at him. Completely ignoring the ball of clothes flying at him Ron stood up.

"What's happened to Hermione?"

"St. Mungos."


"Keep it down, would you? I will explain once we are outside and you are dressed."

"All right, all right." Ron caved pulling off his shirt.
"You know Ronald, I would appreciate it if you would not be yelling at 3 o'clock in the morning," Ginny said walking up to the doorway.

Her hair was tangled and sticking up in the back. Her oversized nightshirt was bunched up at one side of her waist and hanging very loosely around the other. The bottoms of her very worn sweatpants dragged on the floor and she was rubbing her eyes trying to adjust to the brightness of the room.

"I could care less about your sleep schedule right now Ginny." Ron quipped back.

"Oh, that's very comforting. Why are you up and dressed anyway?"

"We are going to St. Mungos for reasons I still do not know," Ron said turning towards Harry.

"I said I'd explain once we got outside," Harry responded through gritted teeth.

"Well, let's go, I'm ready now."

"Umm Ron?"



Ron looked down at his feet.
"Right!" He began to run around the room looking for shoes.

Harry noticed that Ginny had momentarily disappeared from the doorway.

Ron was doing his laces when she reappeared.

"I'm coming with you. It's Hermione, she's not in our room. If she's hurt she is going to need me there."

"Ginny, n-" Harry began to protest.

"Mr. Potter, I would like to see you try to stop me," Ginny smirked. "Now hurry up Ron, this is your girlfriend we're talking about."

Standing up, they left the house silent once more.

Ron tore through the crowd making beeline for the stairs.

"Ginny ask where Hermione's room is. If you look at the floor guide she should be on this floor." Harry said and began chasing after Ron.

"Ground floor mate. Ground floor." Harry yelled after him.

"Oh. Right, and you never explained to us why we are here."

"Yeah, why are we here?" Ginny asked walking over. "Room 147," She added.

Harry relapsed everything that Hermione told him in the kitchen.

"That's all I know, I left to get you because she asked me too. I don't know what the doctor told her."

"144, 145, 146, 147! Hermione!" Ron yelled bursting through the door without a moment's hesitation.

Harry and Ginny heard something clatter to the floor when he bounded into the room.

"Don't get me wrong," Harry started, "I love Hermione and all, but not that much."

They walked into the room to see a metal tray on the floor, spilled rubbing alcohol, and cotton swabs.
Letting out a breathy laugh, Ginny shook her head.

"Why didn't you tell me!?"

"Ron really it's not a big deal."

"Says the one laying in a hospital bed."

"It's just a brief surgery. They're going to numb my arm. I'll be awake the whole time, I won't even feel a thing."

"Can I stay with you?"

"If you like, I hoped that you would. I needed you here most."

"Good to know our support is needed." Interrupted Harry.

"Ginny! You're out of your room!" Hermione exclaimed. Harry threw his arms up in defeat.

" 'Mione how are you feeling?" Ginny asked grasping her hand.

"I've been better, " she smiled gesturing around.

She looked over at Harry a gave a grateful smile. For a few minutes, they sat in peaceful silence. Ron playing with Hermione's hair. Ginny gently stroked her hand. Harry stood with his hand on Ron's shoulder as they all just enjoyed the presence of the other person.
It was an odd place and an odd time, but it was the first time they were all together after the war and they all felt just perfect.

"Ms. Granger, " Doctor Stafford said popping in, "it's time."

"Oh, ok." Her eyes filled with worry.

"You'll be fine," Ginny whispered reassuringly. Giving her hand one final squeeze.

"Hey, " Harry whispered causing her to look up. "If you can win a war you can tackle a measly surgery no problem." He smiled kissing her forehead.

"Sir, you need to wait here," Stafford said stopping Ron who was following Hermoine's wheelchair.

"I'm not leaving her side." Ron protested.



"Just because of you've-"


Doctor Stafford sighed annoyed.

"Very well. Davis!" She said snapping at someone in the hallway. "Get him sanitized to be in the room during a surgery."

n it Ma'ma. Which spell do I use again?"

"The basic sanitation spell, Davis! Just get to it!"

"Right! On it! This way sir." Their voices started fading when Harry and Ginny heard Davis's voice again.

"Wait for a second. You're Ron Weasley! Harry Potters friend!"

"Yes. I'm his friend, but right now I'm here for my girlfriend and I would appreciate it if you saved your fangirling for later." Ron quipped back annoyed.
"Right sorry."

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