Welcome to the Real World. It Sucks!

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Dropping her begs on the bed Ginny looks around at her bedroom. Everyone had decided to get their own bedrooms, for work purposes. They all knew that two of the rooms would both have a layer of dust covering them at almost all times. They chose to ignore that.

Slowly unpacking her stuff Ginny placed her new broom next to the large window a the back of the house. It's hard to fly out in Grimwald place but she could always apperate. Ginny needed to practice. If she wanted to get anywhere in the quidditch pitch successfully, she had to be good enough for the Holyhead Harpies.

Staring at her audition letter she was slowly filling out, Ginny heard footsteps approaching outside her door and hastily shoved the note into the nearest deal drawer.

Knicking lightly before popping his head in Harry smiled at Ginny.

"Hey!" He grinned hugging her from behind around the waist.

"Hey," she said lightly placing her hands on top of his leaning her head back onto his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked tickling her ear with his lips.

"Oh, nothing. It's just, I don't know if I'm ready for this." Ginny answered looking out the window.

"Ready for what?" Harry asked turning her around.

"The real world, Harry." She said resting her head against his shoulder.

"Oh, it's not that bad." Harry answer smiling for her.

"I was just thinking about all the things we have to do. Like pay bills, and feed ourselves buy the things we need for basic human survival. We don't have our parents to provide is with those things. I don't know how to cook! I don't know how to take care of kids!" Ginny cried breaking away from Harry and turning her back.

She put her face in her hands ashamed of her sudden outburst.

Harry walked up to her and pulled her hands down from her face slowly. Lifting her chin with his forefinger, he gave her a nervous smile.

"Hey, it's not that bad." He chucked trying to reassure her. "Ron and I have been doing it for a little over a year now."

"Yeah, " Ginny scoffed rolling her eyes. "And barely surviving." The forming tears in her eyes receded. She looked at him. "Oh, what would I do without you." She sighed wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Oh, I don't know. Keep on living as the same beautiful strong independent woman." Harry said ticking her sides.

Screaming she writhed out if his grip.

"No! Don't!" She yells laughing pointing her finger at Harry.

"I'm gonna get you!" Harry said in a taunting voice walking towards her slowly. She began to back up still facing him trying not to giggle. Suddenly he began to run at her. Screaming she turned around and started to run. Flinging the door open she rushed down the stairs laughing and screaming.

Hair askew she kept looking over her shoulder for the oncoming Potter tickle machine.

Rushing down to the kitchen she rushed for the swinging doorway and bounded in on Ron and Hermione talking softly. She ran toward the hysterically. Still laughing and screaming she grabbed Hermione and hid behind her as Harry rushed in after her.

Stumbling confusedly Hermione tries to twist around and question Ginny, but she has a trio of steel on her shoulders and can barely be understood.

"No!" She screaming giggling, "he's gonna get me!" She fights to get the words pit through her gasps of breath.

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