A Weasley's Easter of 2006

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"I know baby! I'm coming." Ginny shouted as she walked down the hall to James' room.

When she walked in he was standing and holding the bars of his crib while he shouted for his parents.

"Mama!" He squealed excitedly when he saw Ginny entered the room.

"Oh, my sweet boy." Ginny smiled living him out of his crib and placing him on her hip. "Do you know what time it is?"

James stuck his fingers in his mouth before shaking his head.

"It's seven in the morning love!" Ginny said tickling his stomach as they walked back to her room. "You're driving mommy crazy!" She squealed laughing.

James laughed sweetly.

"You wanna go wake up Daddy?" Ginny asked bouncing him on her hip.

"Dada!" James yelled in response!

"Okay!" Ginny smiled mischievously. "Let's go." She walked into their dark room where Harry was stretched out on the now-empty bed.

"Shhh." Ginny smiled placing her finger on her lips.

James smiled widely and put his finger over his mouth.

Ginny sat on the bed and let James go. He squealed excitedly and jumped onto Harry.

"Oof!" Harry grunted from the sudden impact.

James laughed as he fell off of Harry's back and into the soft comforter. Harry flipped to his side so he was facing a still giggling James and Ginny who was smiling and sitting with her legs crossed.

"Hey, bub!" Harry smiled affectionately down at his son. He looked up at Ginny who was on the other side and smiled.

"Morning love." He smiled pushing on his glasses.

"Morning." Ginny murmured as she leaned in for a kiss.

Meeting her sweetly Harry and Ginny stayed there for a second before pulling away.

"Happy Easter!" Harry smiled warmly.

"And to you." Ginny smiled. The monitor on her bedside table cackled with Albus babbling to himself. "I'm going to go get Albus and then we can all go downstairs."

"Sounds good," Harry said as Ginny stood. "Hey, James!" He yelled. "It's Easter!"

Then making a housing sound he picked James up and threw him in the air before catching him. James laughed with delight while Harry ran around the room pretending that his son was a plane.

He then ran out into the hall and met Ginny who was holding eight-month-old Albus in her arms.

"Those baskets aren't going to find themselves," Ginny said as they began to go towards the stairs.

They reached the top of the staircase and Harry went to pick James back up. He had been walking.

"No!" James yelled. "Me." He said stubbornly.

"Those are hardwood stairs," Ginny said nervously as James began to slowly descend.

"He can do it," Harry said following James closing with his hands out ready to catch James.

"I have no doubt," Ginny said. "It's just whether he gets down on his feet or he slips and bangs his head on every step till he hits the floor."

"Relax, Gin. I'm right here to catch him." Harry said.

Ginny sighed before following.

Once they finally reached the floor Ginny set Albus down on the floor and James ran into the living room. There was a blue minicar that James could drive. And a Bumboo for Albus.

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