You've Got to Be Kidding Me

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"The baby did not like dinner," Ginny groaned as she broke the silence of the car. 

Both James and Albus were passed out in the backseat and Harry sat with his forehead squashed against the cool window.

"Oi!" Ginny yelled snapping his fingers in front of his face. 

"Huh?" Harry snorted as he sat up and readjusted his glasses that were resting askew on his face. 

"You're no fun when you get wine drunk," Ginny said glancing away from the road for a moment to see Harry blinking lazily. "At least firewhiskey Harry knows how to party."

"Haha," Harry laughed flatly. He yawned midsentence. "I'm just really, tired."

"You can sleep when we get home," Ginny snapped. "Ron and Hermione," she grumbled, "get to apperate. Lucky bastards."

"Why so cranky?" Harry asked trying to stay awake for his wife. 

"I'm telling you!" Ginny cried. "This baby is doing backflips in my uterus."

"I'm sorry love," Harry cooed softly, taking her hand and hissing it.

"Yeah, yeah," Ginny sighed. "I love you too, get off me."

Harry chuckled to himself before looking out the window for the rest of the drive. 

Once they arrived back at their home in Godric's Hollow both of the boys went to sleep easily. Considering it was way past their bedtime. 

In Harry and Ginny's bedroom, they both lay in bed with the lamps on. Harry was squinting at the Evening Prophet and Ginny flicked through a novel that she had already read countless times. 

"I need to talk to Hermione, I've run out of books to read."

"Yeah, well Hermione can definitely help with that." Harry laughed. "Did you know that Rita Skeeter is back?"

"Is she really?" Ginny asked dropping the book in her hand onto the side table. 

"Yeah, it's quite hilarious really. She wrote here that Draco Malfoy is actually gay and that Professor Flitwick is a crossdresser."

Ginny scoffed loudly. "What a load of dragon dung!"

"They've even moved her to comedy section. No one takes her stories seriously anymore so she's been grasping at straws to get attention."

Ginny laughed. "Oh, don't make me laugh. It hurts my stomach."

"Why don't you take an antiacid?" Harry suggested. 

"I checked, "Ginny murmured. "We're out."

"We'll pick some up on the way home from the station tomorrow," Harry said turning off his lamp and kissing Ginny on the cheek. 

"G'night, Harry." She said turning her own light off and rolling over. "I love you."

"Love you more." Harry murmured. Then seconds later he was snoring. 

Ginny, on the other hand, could not seem to get comfortable. She kept adjusting her sleeping position but the pain in her stomach was relentless. After falling in and out of pockets of restless sleep Ginny got up around five in the morning to get a glass of water. 

That's when her water broke. 

Standing in the middle of the bathroom Ginny threw her head back. "You've got to be kidding me!" She groaned. 

A wet stain was running down the center of her pants Ginny peeled them off and threw them into the clothes bin. She continued to pull on a long skirt and put her hair up. She then threw the bag they had already had packed onto the bed. Which did nothing to rouse Harry. 

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