Chapter Three

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Tiara's POV

Harry was such a great guy. He is very easy to talk to. Since there's not too many customers, the curly haired boy accompanied me while I eat my pies. We talked about random things. He's really talkative at the same time very cheeky which is really cute. Every time he talks I just nod and look at his adorable face. I could stare into those deep green eyes every day.

My thoughts were awakened by a hand waving in my face. "Tiara? You okay?" Harry asked in a concerned tone. "Huh? What? Umm. Yeah I'm fine." i replied. You're really are an idiot Tia. Come on, pull yourself together.

"You sure you're okay? You were staring blankly at something." he questioned. And then again I was mesmorized with his green orbs.

"Your eyes are so beau-" before I could continue my sentence I realize what I'm about to say. "I mean.. Umm.. Nothing. I'm really am fine." i shrugged. Great Tia. Now he thinks you're weird.

"So you think my eyes are beautiful?" he chuckled. "I never said that!" i protested.

"But you were about say it. So what else about me you think is attractive?" he teased. I blushed a little.

"I did not! And who says your attractive?" i answered trying hide my embarassment.

"You don't find me handsome?" he smirked. "Nope. Not at all." i claimed. Sticking my tongue out.

"Okay then." he moved his face near me so I was facing him. I can see that smirk of his face.

I was shocked with his action. My eyes widen and I can feel my cheeks flushed red. Tia come on! Your not this kind of girl. Since when you became so shy? "Your such a flirt aren't you?" i raised one of my eyebrows at him.

"Nah. Not that much." he backed away from my face. I narrowed my eyes at him. There was a bit of awkward silence then my phone decided to break it. I took out my iPhone out of my pocket and looked at the caller id, "Dad".

I look at the time and its been an hour since i left mum. "Oh shit!" I was freaking out realizing that I'm late. I answer my phone. "Fancy phone you have there." Harry teased. I rolled my eyes and I put my pointing finger on my mouth signaling him to quiet down.

"TIARA? IT'S BEEN 1HOUR SINCE YOU AND YOUR MUM LEFT! WHERE ARE YOU? YOU ALRIGHT?" my dad screamed on the other line which made my ear hurt.. "Dad! Relax, will you? We're fine. Your over reacting." i replied trying to calm him down.

"Where's your mom? You're with her right?" he asked me. "Umm.. Yeah.. Me and mum are still getting the groceries. Mum's currently at the other side of the store getting her beauty products?" i lied. Beauty products Tiara? Really? Well i panicked what do you want me to say? No dad i'm not with her. I'm with a cute curly haired boy with gorgeous green eyes that makes me wanna melt. We're at a bakery eating pies. Voices in my head kept on arguing.

"Okay." Wow. I didn't think he will buy my excuse. "Just go straight home when your done." dad ordered. "Yes dad. We're almost done. Bye." before he could protest I hung up.

I looked at Harry and saw his face full of curiousity. He narrowed his eyes at me. "What?" i asked. "So I'm now your mom." he laughed.

"Haha!" i said sarcastically. "So why did you lie to your dad?" he questioned me. "Well my dad is really strict and over protective. He doesn't want me to go out without a chapereon or my mum with me. And speaking of my mum, really need to go back to her." i answered, standing up. "It's really nice meeting you though. Bye."

Harry's POV

"Oh okay. It's really nice meeting you too. I really hope I'd see you again. Bye." i said to her and watched her walked out of the bakery. Shit! I forgot to asked her number. I was really looking forward on seeing her again. I really like her, not like like but like as a friend. She seemed to be a fun person. Not like other girls who would throw theirselves at me.

I started cleaning up her table when I heard the door opened. "Welco- Tiara? Nice to see you again. Why did you came back?" i asked her.

"Umm.. Well.. I don't know how to get back to my mum." she croaked. I could tell that she's embarassed with her tone. "Want me to take you to your mom? My shift is almost over." i offered.

"I was thinking you could just give me some directions. No need to escort me there. And you must be busy. I don't wanna bother you." she exclaimed.

"No, it's fine. I really insist." before she could answer I cut her off. "Wait here I'll go tell my boss."

Tiara's POV

"Let's go. My boss said it's okay since there are no customer around." Harry told me as we left the bakery. Well, I really don't want to bother him but he insisted and not everyday a cute guy would offer to accompany me. Wait! Tia you just met him. He's practically a stranger. He doesn't look like a bad guy. He wouldn't rape me would he?

"Well if you want me to." he suddenly said. "What?" I frowned then suddenly "Wait! Did I say that aloud?" I realized.

"I would never ever do that. You have a wide imagination. But if you want to." he smirked. I hit him in the head. "Pervert!" i shouted at him.

"Ouch! That hurt! I was just kidding." he explained. "So where exactly is your mum?" he asked changing the subject.

"A grocery store near here. I think? I'm not really sure." i answered hesitantly. "I think I know where your mum is. Its really not to far away from here." he said. I just nod and followed him.

After a 10 min walk we've finally reached the store. Just in time I saw my mum walking towards our car with bags of grocery in her hands. We motioned ourselves to my mom. "Oh, your here Ho-" he noticed Harry beside me. "And you are?"

"Harry, Harry Styles. I'm Tiara's friend." he took out his hand and my mum shook it. "Claire Williams. I'm her mom." she replied and looked at my direction.

"Any particular reason why you are here?" mom asked. "Tiara didn't know how to get here so I accompanied her." he answered. Wow, he seemed so polite. What happened to your cheeky attitude Styles?

"Thank you for that. Tia's not really an outgoing person. Sorry to bother you. Well, I'm gonna put these bags in the car." mum exclaimed. "You need help with that Mrs. Williams?" he offered. "No, it's okay love. I'll leave you too alone." she smiled and raised her eyebrows at me. Weird.

"So Tia?" emphasizing my nickname. "I probably should get going. See you. Oh yeah. I forgot to ask you your number. Here." he took out his phone and handed it to me. I did the same. "Oh sure. Here punch in yours."

After we exchanged numbers he walked off. "Thanks. Gotta go. Bye. I'll text you." he shouted. "Bye!" I shouted back and waved.

I got inside the car. Mum started it and drove off. "So who is he?" she questioned. "Harry? i met him at a bakery down the street. He works there." I answered. "He's pretty cute." she giggled. "Yeah" i whispered.

"Did he asked you out?" my eyes widened. I was pretty shock with her question.

"What? No! He's just a friend." Why would mum ask that? What makes her think that Harry would ask me out?

"Friends huh?" i nod. Mum is really acting weird.


A/N: Here's Chapter 3. Hope you all like it. I made it extra long. Fan? Vote? Thanks. :)

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