Chapter Seven

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Tiara's POV

Today's the day that I get to say goodbye to Freedom. The last few days were one of the best experience I ever had. After I told Harry that I'm from a rich family, at first he didn't believe me but after I invited him to our house and my showed him my dad's ads, he is pretty shock about it. Wilson and the guys was a bit pissed about me telling Harry but after days of convincing they're finally cool about it. And my mom, she wouldn't stop talking about Harry after I have invited him.

Actually, I'm pretty excited for my Dad's comeback, I've missed him, but of course I'm surely gonna miss being free. So here we are, early in the morning, at the porch waiting for my father's arrival. Wilson went to fetch him in London. After a few minutes of waiting, our car stopped infront of our house. I quickly rush to the front gate, ready to welcome my dad back. He got out of the car but no sign of my father.

Looking over his shoulder, "Where's dad?" I asked, narrowing my eyebrows at him.

"He said he might not come back for another week. There has been a big bussiness proposal offered to your compapy and he said he can't let this opportunity go. He's really sorry." He explain with an apologetical smile on his face.

I frowned, walking out. I ran inside the house and went up to my room, shutting the door. I sat down to my bed next to the small table beside it. I picked up the picture frame displayed on it. It was a photo of me, mom and dad two years ago. I stared at it intently.

"Honey? You okay?" A knock woke me up from my thoughts. Putting down the frame back to its original place.

"Come in." I called out. The door immediately opened revealing my mom.

"You okay sweetie?" She asked in a worriend tone, as she sat down next to me.

"Yeah, just a bit upset." I sighed, my mom hugged me and rubbed circles on my back."I've missed him. Here he goes again, turning into some bussiness freak. Forgetting about his family, his only daughter!"

"I'm really sorry if you felt that way but you know that your dad's doing this for our own sake. He's doing this for you to have a better future. Sweetie, look at the bright side. Atleast you have another week of freedom. You can hang out with that cute curly haired friend of yours." She tried comforting me, lighting up my mood. She never fails making me feel better. "Speaking of which, why don't you invite him for dinner tonight? I cooked so many meals today for your dad. Since his not coming, why don't you ask your friend."

"Okay, i'll text him." I simply nod, agreeing to her idea.

"I'll be downstairs. You sure you're alright?" she reassured, standing up.

"I feel better now. Thank you." i said, as she kissed my head.

"Okay, I'll be going now." stumbling out of the room.

As soon as she got out, I grabbed my phone and texted Harry. "My mom's inviting you for diner tonight? You free? -Tia :)"

I laid down on bed, waiting patiently for his reply. Staring blankly at the ceiling.

Harry's POV

While walking downstairs, "Honey, Robin and I will be going out today. Take care of your brother, okay?" I heard mum talking to Gemma, heading out off the house. My sister closed the door as soon as mum and my step dad left.

"Good Morning, curly." my older sister greeted me. "Mum's out, so is Robin."

"So i've heard." I said. "Gem, have you seen my phone?" 

"I think I saw it on the table." she informed, pointing to the mini table by the couch.

"Thanks." I made my way to our living room, searching for my phone. Just a few minutes, I catch sight of my phone above the table my sister had pointed. I picked it up, going back to the kitchen where Gemma is making breakfast. 

"Found it?" she asked, as I enter the room.

"Yup." I answered back, popping the 'p'. I sat on the stool beside the kitchen island, scrolling through my messages. 

"Oh yeah, Felicity called." she reminded, cracking the eggs in the bowl. 

"What did she say?" i questioned her, still looking at my phone. I found Tia's text, inviting me to come over for dinner. I quickly replied to her, "Sure. Be there at 7.", a smile crept on my face.

"Nothing, she told me to tell you that she called. Why don't you call her back and ask what she wants?" she suggested, turning her gaze on me. "What's with you? Your smiling like an idiot."

"Just texting Tia, she's inviting me for dinner, I'll ask her if you can come. About Felicty, maybe it's not important, she would call me if it is."

"You know Harry, if you like Tia why don't you  just breakup with your girl friend. You are ignoring her. Don't be such a jerk. Just saying." she hollered, in a dry tone. I was completely surprised with what she had said. 

"What do you mean? I'm not ignoring her and Tia is just a friend." I protested. I mean, I really like Tiara  but more like a buddy only. I enjoy her company and she enjoys mine. Right?

"I dunno Harry, but I know you. You need to make up your mind. You know what's right from wrong. I just don't want you to hurt any of those girls. Think about it." she shot back but in a calm tone. When did she become so deep? "Here's your breakfast. I'll be upstairs." giving me a plate full of food.

I just sat there and think about what Gemma said. Do I like Tiara more than a friend? But I have a girlfriend? I spent months convincing Felicity to go on a date with me and I just can't break up with her. Do I love her? I mean I don't love her but I like her enough to be my girlfriend? Question kept on popping in to my mind. I need to take a rest and decide what should I do.


Sorry for not uploading. Here's chapter 7. I know it's kinda short, so sorry. 

Just so to let you know, I'm not making Harry look like a jerk or something in this chapter. I just wanna show you guys that he is confused with her feelings for Tiara. Will be posting chapter 8 later, as I promised. 

Thanks Love you guys! xx

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