First Days and Meetings

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A/N: This won't be the only trigger warning, but consider this an umbrella of trigger warnings. This story won't be always happy. And it is more likely to get darker than I expected. I will be adding more specified trigger warnings as I go on, but this story deals with depression, suicidal thoughts, and mental health issues in general.
Acquired Addiction

📢 Ps: First chapter trigger warning. Suicidal thoughts and the like. 📢

Frank's POV

Stay safe.

The message posted on bathroom mirrors. Throughout the halls of school. But they're not advising us from strangers or the big bad external world. They're warning the students of themselves. But I didn't need a warning. I was well aware of how dangerous I was to myself.

  I flipped the razor blade in my palm. It was still clean, and I went through an internal struggle to keep it that way. Throwing it across my room, I looked at the scars that already lingered on my wrist.

  This was really the only physical tell. The only one someone could notice. And nobody ever noticed. Or they didn't at my old school. But people were all the same. And my family dragging me away from my home for "my health" wouldn't change their behaviors. New faces, same minds. But I wouldn't do anything an hour before school started.  I didn't know whether it was a victory or a loss. Internally defeated by my conflict, I dragged myself out of bed.  I found the baggiest hoodie I could. And a pair of black jeans. I wasn't really helping myself blend in, but I held onto the hope I could blend into the shadows.

This time I'd keep my mouth shut.


I was at school fifteen minutes early.  People already packed the halls and were talking. I had to remind myself that they were already a week into the year even if it was my first day. I could discern the cliques. Walking past them I walked to the class. The counselor had shown me where to go when I toured yesterday, so I spent the walk looking at people. Nobody caught my eye. All of them were just mindless teenagers. A boy ran into my side, but didn't stop. He probably didn't even notice me. I was slightly irritated. But I knew I was invisible.

A different kid tapped me on the shoulder, "I apologize about my brother. Gerard can be a bit spacey."

With that, he left, leaving me to sit. I thought of how the boy talked about his brother. There was still a caring tone, but he sounded disappointed. As if he was used to it. I frowned at the thought. Considering he looked younger than Gerard, I would think it'd be the other way around. 

I went to class with no incident and was mainly undisturbed. I heard little comments on "the new kid". Rumors they had already started, but I think I learned the rules of this school.  Don't bother anyone and they won't bother you. And that held true. Mostly.

Fourth period had rolled around. I had been pleased that I was undisturbed. Of course, someone had to ruin it. A student walked up to me. He had a menacing look, his mouth set in a stony line. His brown eyes filled with malice. Not to mention he looked like he had three times the muscle I did. I reasonably leaned back, and looked for the teacher, but I had no such luck in finding her. 

The guy leaned forward on my desk,"You're new."

I shrugged, attempting to find bravado, “I suppose I am.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Already trying to mouth off? Things won’t go well for you.”

He made a move towards me and I flinched, but he was interrupted by the bell ringing. I still feared that the bell wouldn’t do anything, but he stepped away, staring me down. I gathered my stuff, and shaking I left the class. I had to keep myself from running outside. I dragged myself through the halls, and made my way outside, where I had seen a tree earlier. Thankfully nobody was there, and I slumped against the tree.

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