Lifelike busts eh?
Not sure how I feel about this one but here goes.
I perused the book of faces this dull day, as I do on occasion. I happened upon a rather strange thing. And it had me wondering. No, I know what you're thinking:
*A bust is not strange thing*
And you are correct of course. Busts can be beautiful, inspiring almost, but this one startled me.
It's fantastic kind of reminds me of Charles Lee Ray aka Chucky in his original form. So why is this interpretation so utterly creepy?
My arms, has anyone seen them?
My legs, my body?Someone, please!!
Other unrelated news;
Local authorities continue their search for missing Thomas W Hiddleston. The actor who portrayed Loki, was publicly seen attending Madame Tussauds. Shortly before opening a new exhibit at the British association of Taxidermy.
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