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"Liz, princess, it's literally five in the afternoon." Tom says with a soft smile as his daughter looks at him with puppy eyes.

The kid knows how to get what she wants.

"So what?" She challenges. "Eli wants to hear the rest of the story too."

"Do you, champ?" Tom asks as he turns his head to look at his son, who is sitting on his left.

Eli just nods excitedly with his head, making Tom's heart burst with love. His two children were the best thing that's ever happened to him, after meeting you. After getting to call you his he thought he could never be happier, but you just kept on surprising him by giving him not only your heart, but also the two little kids sitting on either side of him on the sofa.

"Let's do this; we'll wait for mummy to come back home from work and see what she thinks about it, how's that?" Tom suggests, although he already knows what your answer will be.

The kids nod in agreement and the three of them turn their heads back toward the TV sitting in front of them to keep on watching cartoons. Tom got a few weeks off from work and your children were totally thrilled about it since it means spending a lot more time with their dad.

You've warned him multiple times about what they should and shouldn't eat. It's not that you don't trust him alone with your children, but knowing Tom, he'd just give them whatever they want. The only thing they have to do is ask for it and Tom would make sure they had whatever they wanted, no matter what. He just loves spoiling them. "I can't help it, darling." He'd always say. "Those two little demons are my weakness."

A good ten minutes of cartoon watching pass before there's a sound at the front door and you make your way into the house. Tom and the kids simultaneously turn their heads to see you walking through the living room and towards them. You smile at the sight. Your whole world was sitting on the sofa watching TV, barefooted and still in their pj's.

"I see you all had a very productive day," you joke and Tom playfully mocks you, making your children laugh.

"For your information, darling, we all cooked together and they helped me with the dishes." Tom says with a smirk plastered on his face.

"That's not true!" Eli laughs. "Liz didn't help with the dishes, she just went to her room as soon as we were done eating."

"Shush, kid. Do you wanna win this argument?" Your husband playfully says as he places his index finger over his lips. Eli just laughs as he covers his mouth with his tiny hand, realising he had said far too much.

"You can't win if you lie." You fight back with a chuckle.

"Mummy!" Liz exclaims al of a sudden. "We were just telling daddy about how you should keep telling us the story."

"Isn't that supposed to be a bedtime story?" You ask with furrowed eyebrows and Tom just lifts his shoulders up, signalling that there was no use in trying to postpone the story-telling.

"Who cares?" Eli asks. "We wanna know what happens next, and maybe we can have two stories in one day!" He adds excitedly. "You know, you can tell us a part now and another before we go to sleep."

Your heart melts at the sight of your son's shining eyes and you sit beside him on the sofa.

"Okay, Tom, why don't you tell them about that time they had a movie marathon at the boy's apartment?" You suggest and Tom smiles at the memory before dramatically clearing his throat to start telling the story.


"Tom, we've literally just watched four movies. If I have to keep my eyes on a screen again I'll pull them out with my own hands." You exaggerated as your boyfriend looked at you with pleading eyes.

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