Kirito x Sinon *Oneshot*

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Authors Note: Okay I love this pairing so I thought I would write a oneshot, hope you like it! I'm taking requests atm, so send me some! ^-^

It gets a little steamy near the end, so beware!


Kirito x Sinon One Shot;

Dancing in the Rain


I don't know how this exactly happened, me being engulfed in this raven haired boys arms, but it didn't take long until I started to enjoy his warm embrace, and his soft fair skin, and his eyes, and his lips...


I looked at up at the grey musky sky and tried to appreciate the view. GGO isn't the prettiest game, that's for sure. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a strong grip on my right wrist.

"Hey Sinon!"

That voice was definitely Kirito's. To be completely honest, I'm starting to trust him, but he's still always sexually harrasing me, and then bugging me to the point when I want to rip my hair out. So I only trust him a little.

Just a little.

I jerked my head around until I faced Kirito, and kissed my teeth.

"tch, what is it now?", I asked harshly.

"There's a storm..."


"There's a storm coming, so we need to find shelter quickly."

I couldn't help but agree with him. The storms in Gun Gale Online were intense. No one enjoys getting caught between the strong wind and lightning. I finally spoke up, not wanting to make things awkward.

"Hmph, I guess you're right...but where will we stay? I'm kind of broke at the moment..."

Kirito let out a long sigh.

"Well that's just great cause I don't have any money either."

"Then what the heck are we gonna do?!"

I started to panic at this point. No money for a hotel, and the storm is-

"Did you feel that Sinon?"

"What is it?"

"It's starting to rain."

"Oh, I know! Why don't we just log out and then log back in whe-"

Kirito then suddenly grabbed my wrist and started running until we were just outside of the main part of the city.

"And why exactly did you bring us here?"

Kirito shook his head. "Don't you see? There's a cave over there in the distance, we can stay there for the night."

I hesitated for a bit, but finally agreed.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?"

Once we entered the cave, Kirito took out some matches from his inventory and started a fire. Once the fire started, I fell back against the rocky wall with a thud and slowly started to descend onto the hard cold floor. Kirito then walked up to me and sat beside me. Then there was silence.

I had a feeling this would happen, this awkward silence.

I immediately started playing music. Thank god, it won't be as awkward now. Kirito finally spoke up.

"Music is playing, so... do you wanna dance with me for a bit?"

With that he got up from sitting down and lended me a hand up, smiling kindly.

At that very moment, my heart skipped a beat. But I wasn't going to let him know about my feelings for him. There's no way.

"Fine, I guess I will, but only this once."

I went to grab his hand and once I did, he gripped mine back with such care yet such strength. He then pulled me outside of the cave, so the rain was pouring on us.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I snapped.

"Oh come on, you're not gonna melt!" he then teasingly smirked at me.

"I-I know that, idiot!"

He then held both of my hands, and guided them up to his shoulders. Placing his hands on my hips, he started to smile so hard that it looked like it hurt.

"H-hey Kirito..." I stuttered.

"What is it?"

"I don't really know how to dance"

He just chuckled, and then he bursted out laughing.

"SHUT UP! IT'S NOT MY FAULT I DON'T KNOW HOW!" I started to feel frustrated. Why does he think he can just laugh at me!?

He smiled. "It's okay, I‘ll teach you"

We started to dance for a while and I was getting the hang of it, but then he missed a move and suddenly stepped on my foot.

"EEEOOOWWWW!" I screamed. People could have heard me from the city but I didn't care, it hurt!

Kirito tried not to laugh, and then started to look slightly worried by the look on his face. He grabbed both of my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, so that we were literally inches away from kissing.

"Are you okay? Where did you get hurt?"

I looked up at his face afterwards. It honestly looked like he really cared about me, and that he was worried about me. Suddenly, a fire lit within me and without even thinking I grabbed him by his jacket and kissed him.

He hesitated for a bit, but finally started to kiss back. It started out slow and passionate, but soon became hot and heated. This lasted for about a minute and he then grazed his tongue against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Curious, I kept my mouth closed enough so that he couldn't fully kiss me. He then found the hem of my t shirt with his right hand, while cupping the side of my face with his left hand. Once he realized that I wasn't letting him kiss me harder, he growled against the kiss, ran his hand underneath my tshirt, up my stomach and lighty squeezed my breast. The sudden action made me moan and he then took that oppurtunity to slip his tongue inside of my mouth.

While he was still kissing me, he placed both hands over my ass and quickly squeezed it earning a high-pitched squeal from me. He looked at me lustfully and a grin started to appear on his face. He then moved his head so that his lips were ghosting over my ear.

"Jump", he whispered sending shivers down my spine. I obliged and wrapped my legs around his waist. He then led me back into the cave, and slowly lowered me onto the cold hard ground. Something in me took over again and I bit my lip, sighing slighty.

He obviously enjoyed that, and started kissing at my neck nibbling every now and then. And suddenly out of no where, the sun came out from the clouds. I finally realized everything that happened. I wasn't even in control of my body! Grabbing his shirt, I pushed him away, turning bright red.


"Whats wrong?" I asked.

She stopped turning red and shook her head.

"N-nothing idiot! Just leave me alone wontchya?!" She then got up and started walking out of the cave. Once she was outside of the cave she looked back at me, looking somewhat aggravated.

"That was pretty interesting. S-see ya later."

She kissed her teeth and started to stomp away.

Wow, I thought.

She's really something else.

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