Jealousy *KiritoxSinon P2*

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*Sinons POV*

As soon as Lizbeth pressed the send button on her phone, I started to immediately panic and grabbed her phone, trying to delete the message before it sent. But alas, it was too late, and the message was sent to them.

Lizbeth snatched her phone back from my hands and spoke up.

"Well, we gotta get ready for when everyone comes over, come on lets go!"

Lizbeth said as she grabbed my right wrist and pulled me to her bathroom. As soon as we got inside I started to brush my medium-long dark brown hair. I decided to grow it out, and it looked fairly equal to the pieces in the front of my hair tied with white ribbons. The next thing I did was take off my glasses. The thing is, I have perfect vision. I only wear my glasses because they have bulletproof lenses. Fortunately, I've been taking them off more, and it's only making me stronger. I then snapped out of my thoughts and put my glasses in the case where they were safe. That's when Lizbeth turned around and gasped in surprise.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's just, Shino... you look so pretty with your glasses off!"

"Oh, ha, thanks" I replied shyly and started to walk out of the door to sit on the pink beanbag again. The first person to enter Lizbeths' house was Silica, always early and on time to everything as usual. She was wearing striped loose pajama bottoms along with a loose pink tshirt with a sheep on it. Me and Lizbeth both smiled at Silica, inviting her into her room. Now, there was just us three in one bedroom all wearing pajamas. I wore black gym shorts with a loose white tshirt showing one of my shoulders, and slightly revealing my purple bra strap. Lizbeth decided to be all fancy and wore a nightgown, which made her look cute. Then we all heard a knock on the door. We immediately ran down the stairs, excited knowing that it was either Kazehaya-Kun or Kazuto-Kun. When we got to the entryway, Lizbeth and Silica both forced me to go look through the peephole inside of Lizbeths door. I finally insisted, and saw who it was. I let out a sigh of relief.

"It's just Kazuto-kun guys, don't worry!"

Both Lizbeth and Silica sighed in relief, as I opened the door to let Kazuto...or... Kirito-kun in. It was still crazy for me to call him by his in game name, but whenever we hung out he insisted for me to call him Kirito. I soon told him that calling him by his real name was cuter and made more sense. Kazuto got all flustered but finally agreed that I could call him by his real name.

"Come on in!" I said cheerfully as I smiled brightly at Kirigaya Kazuto. He just stood there, like he was frozen, staring at me. I broke the awkward silence by speaking up.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" I asked.

"O-oh! Sorry, it's just you look really pretty right now, Shino"

I started to feel a blush grow on my face but quickly turned around.

"Me? Pretty? Yea right, Liz is the one who's pretty!"

"Ha, you bet I am!" Liz winked at me, grinning.

Kazuto just let out a laugh and walked out of the entry way and into the living room where Silica was. While they were all walking to the living room, I heard someone at the door.

"Uh, hey... Shino, you there?"

It was then when my heart skipped a beat.

I can't believe I forgot to close the door!

I turned around to see that it was Kazehaya.

"K-kazehaya kun!" I ran down the entry way and hugged him tightly. I hugged him because I wanted to, but maybe more because I wanted Kazuto to see that I moved on.

"Ha, you've gotten heavier" He replied with a teasing grin.

"o-OI! I DID NOT!" I punched him in the side of the arm and he couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm just kidding, Shino." He smiled at me and I smiled back. Then I heard Kazuto clear his throat, he made it very clear that he wanted to be heard. I turned to look at Kazuto and looked confused.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot to introduce you. Kazuto-kun, this is Kazehaya Miyoshi, a friend of mine at school." I replied with a smile.

"Friend?" He just winked at me and laughed.

"Yes friend! We're not dating, stupid." I replied harshly. He just itched the back of his neck and smiled. Lizbeth then spoke up.

"Wow, Shino, he's a cutie!"

I quickly decided to change the subject.

"Anyway, lets go upstairs, Liz said that we were going to play truth or dare and seven minutes in-... do we have to play that game?"

"Haha yep!" Silica replied.

I just groaned and walked up the stairs to Lizbeths room. Everybody else soon followed after.

And this is when all of this weird tension began.

We were all sitting in Lizbeths room. Me on the floor beside Kazehaya-kun, Lizbeth sitting on my other side and Kazuto and Silica sitting right across from me. Lizbeth started to speak again.

"So, I have decided that were playing seven minutes in heaven! WOO!"

My stomach immediately started to turn.

"C-cant we play something else?" I replied.

"Nope!" Silica said.

I just sighed again and the boys took an item and put it in a white plastic bag. I went first.

I ran my hands through the inside of the bag and quickly grabbed an item with no hesitation. It was keys. I immediately knew who had that item. It was Kazehaya kun! He owned his own car now because his father said he could, and they felt just like his keys. I liked to borrow his car as well. Then out of nowhere, Liz put a tie from one of her school outfits around my head, so I could see nothing but black.

"wa..uwaa!" I shreiked as Lizbeth dragged me up from the floor and put me in the closet.

"Wait here for... five seconds!" She then slammed the door shut, as I waited for Kazehaya to come in.

I suddenly heard a creak from the door opening, and started to bite my lip.

What if it wasn't Kazehaya kun? I thought.

No, it had to be him.

So with all of my courage and strength I found the collar of his shirt and leaned in to kiss him. It wasn't long until he started to kiss back. We spent about a minute passionately kissing until I had to stop for air, but I started tugging at the hem of his shirt. I heard him chuckle and kiss me as he slowly took of the blindfold. I opened my eyes and finally realized.

This isn't Kazehaya-kun, it's...KAZUTO!? I immediately took a step back and started blushing like mad. I couldnt believe it! I kissed Kazuto Kun, and he kissed me like he really wanted to!

"Y-you're not, Kazehaya-ku-"

Kazuto immediately took the keys out of his pocket and grinned.

"You forgot I rode a motorcycle? Even you should know that, Shino..." He said as he slowly walked towards me with a big grin plastered on his face.


Authors note!

Hey guys! Leaving you on a cliffhanger again ;). I'm sorry I haven't written anything lately, I've been reaaaaalllllyyy busy with school and stuff, but hope you enjoyed it anyway >,<

I'll probably be writing the third part for this tonight, and I'll have it published either tonight or tomorrow! Yay! ^w^ the next part's gonna get a lil' steamy so if your young little heart can't handle it don't read it, mkay? ;D

Until next time!

Kirito x Sinon *Oneshot*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora