MS. 🍪

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Hey i know yall  Probably tired hearing my spoil azz brats telling their lil love life and personal life.

Let me introduce myself my name is Miss cookie Miller I have 6 Kids 3 girls and 3 boys I've been raising my kids for the last past 12 years by myself cuz my b**** ass husband up and left me saying that you couldn't take care of 6 kids I know right this m*********** had the audacity say he can't take care of our kids he made with me.
But it's funny to me because this mother f***** move out of state and got remarried got two little mix half- breed kids but he couldn't take care of my 6 but went out there and made two more. He a excuse of a man his mother should have swallowed him.

Im 38 and I'm living my best life I'm single I do whatever I want. Let's just say Stella getting her groove back. I work night and day just to make sure me and my kids are straight so they don't have to want for nothing or ask anybody for anything cuz at the end of the day Imma  do what I have to do for me and mines yes it has been a rock road since they sperm donor left but at the end of the day I got to do what I got to do.
I tell my kids every day if you want something in life you gotta go out and get it it's just not going to fall in your lap I teach my kids to be independent and not to to depend on nobody cuz look what happened to me I depended on their sperm donor and he just up and left me for some white b****. But I'm happy for him I'm living my life I'm not a bitter baby mama.

Anyways I'm currently at work I work at a hospital from 6 to 6 yes a 12-hour hour shift every day. I'm a nurse I've been doing nursing for over 15 years now I love my job and everything I do but sometimes these patients be trying my patience but I don't let that bother me.

Let me tell y'all about this fine as Doctor yes Lord Dr Thomas the finest Dr you'll ever see in your life. The other nurses hovering over him. Yeah he fine all but I'm not about to sit up here and be like some groupie like the rest of these thots.. Lol my bestie  Tasha works together we made a bet. So basically she's bet a hundred dollars that Dr thomas and I will get it on by the end of year....

Tasha girl im so ready to get off at six my dam feet hurts

I kno thats rights girl cause i got a hot date tonight with Dr Smith fine ass

I know u lying u and Dr smith fucking around oh bitch spill the tea 🍵

Lets just say Dr Smith does a good job when he does his routine checkup up if you know what I mean

Bish yall nasty lol

Just like u and Dr Thomas fine ass u think i dont kno yall been seen each other i mean fucking each other

Tasha i dont kno wat u talking about me and fine azz Dr Thomas keep it strickly business

Whatever you say cookie cause i kno dam well i heard yall in his office the other day lol oh Dr Thomas i been a bad girl lol so do u remember that

Tasha shut up we though everybody left Shit😂😂😂😂😂

See i told you yall was going get it on by the end of the year now where my $100 at Cookie...

Dam now i gotta pay this trick...

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