Ride With Me II

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The Taming Of The Jennie Kim

So here's  the second part...geez you guys are thirsty

anyway y'all  wanted this!


"No, I will not work for you. Now, get off my doorstep!"

Jennie attempted to shut the door, but Jisoo's foot was still firmly wedged in it.

"Hey, come on now, let's talk about this." The brunette put her hands up, and Jennie didn't know if it was out of innocence or just protection.

"What is there to talk about? I told you: I'm not taking the job. That's final." The blonde crossed her arms in defiance.

"Look, can I come in so we can talk about this?" Jisoo asked.

Jennie blushed, a sweet pink spreading across her cheeks. "No."

"This is ridiculous. We can't talk about this on the doorstep."

"There's nothing to talk about!"

"You're being juvenile."

"Good, that will make me less employable." Jennie replied firmly. "Now please."

"I'm not leaving until we talk about this," the brunette said stubbornly.

"Well, have fun on my doorstep." Jennie tried to shut the door, but the offending foot was still in place.

"I can stay here all night."

"Now who's being juvenile?"

"Just let me in, all right?" Jisoo put her hands on her hips. It only served to thrust her breasts that little bit further forward and make Jennie jerk.

"Oh for God's sake, here." The blonde gave in, opening the door wider and ushering the other girl across the threshold. "The living room is that way," she pointed. "I'm getting coffee."

And with that, she swept off. She returned minutes later with a tray holding two coffee cups, sugar and milk.

"I didn't know how you took your coffee so I just brought it all with me," Jennie said.

"That's okay, you'll learn pretty quick." Jisoo grinned.

"I'm not taking the job." Jennie reiterated with frustration.

"Why not?"

"You know why not!" Jennie exclaimed. "That's not how I get jobs!"

"No, that's how you get laid." Jisoo grinned again. Jennie glared at her. "Look, I know you didn't do it for that reason. You didn't even know who I was. But, I've read your resume, I've seen your interview sheets. You're the best applicant we had for the job. I want the best. I need you to take this job."

"After what happened? No way!" Jennie said. "I'm not stupid. There is no way we can keep a professional relationship going after that."

Ride With Me  | jensoo (X-Rated)Where stories live. Discover now