Night on the train

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The last thing I heard from Clove was 'I love you'. It's been 10 minutes since I saw her. I dont think I have the energy to take a shower,but i dont have a choice.Im starting to stink from all the sweat. Dont want to smell bad for Clove. Curse me and my Clove sensitive self.

I get up from the floor and walk to the bathroom. My eyes are droopy so i can barley see the control panel on the shower. I press a random button and soapy water jets out from everywhere. Coconut. I close my eyes so soap doesn't get in them. I press another but and clear cold water jets out. Normally I would freak out because I hate cold water but right now its helping me calm down. I stay in the shower for about 5 minutes then I get out,put on the robe, and go to the closet. 

In the closet there is a screen similar to the one in the bathroom. I can type in what I want. I go for a simple black shirt and basketball shorts. Im surprised they even have basketball shorts in the capitol. I sit on the bed for a while and decide to go explore the train.

As I walk down the hall I find a staircase. I go up it. At the top there is a door on the roof. It doesnt have a knob so look for a button. No luck. I try  to push it open. Success it opened up. I grab the edges and pull myself up. Its the top of the train,I pull up more and stand on the top of the train. It feels good up here. The wind is blowing and trees are every where. This is a great spot to take Clove tonight. I jump back down into the train and make my way to my room to get a blanket. I grab the blanket from off my bed and make my way to Clove's room. She said when ever i needed her to just walk in her room. I open the door and say "Clove,you in here"

"BOO"Clove screams jumping out from behind the bed. I think I jumped ten feet off the ground.

"Don't do that"I yell back. 

"Scaredy cat"She teases. Then kisses me on the lips. Why does she have to do that.

" Lets go"I smile

"Go where?"Clove questions.

"Somewhere special"I say while grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door. We walk down the Hall intill we get to the top of the staircase. "Stand back for a sec"I tell her. She moves back and I push open the door. I climb up and reach down to help Clove.I grab her hands and pull her up.


Wow,it's beautiful up here.......Since when is Cato so....whats the word....romantic.

"What are you thinking about"Cato asks.

"These games,"I replie.

"The Hunger Games,"He says.

"Yes,there so stupid. What's gonna happen if we don't make it out of them alive."

"I dont know"

I turn to him "Whats going to happen to Jacob,Miri,Josh our families? Whats gonna happen Cato. "I question.

"One of us is going to make it out of the games alive,hopefully you,but one of us will"He assures me.


I set up the blanket on the floor so we can sit on it. Clove sits down and looks like she is in a different world. "How long did it take you to figure out the shower"I joke.

"Very long"Clove laughs. I lay down and she lays down with her head in my chest. Clove looks up at me and says "I love you"

" I love you too" I whisper.

There we go again its true.....she does love me....This maybe one of the last times we have like this. When we get to the Capitol tomorrow it's off to the prep teams. I'm starting to like my Clove sensitive self.


I wish we can just live in this moment forever. In a way im kinda glad we got stuck in the Hunger Games. If we didnt we wouldn't be this close. I know we have to fight to the death soon so I just have to be glad I have him here now.

"Cato,"I say.

"Yes Clove,"He replies.

"I wish we can stay here forever. Just you and me."

"I do too"

I snuggle closer to Cato because its getting cold up here. He wraps his arms around me to keep me warm. I yawn. "Tired" He asks.I nod."Its fine you can go to sleep" The train stops. Im guessing its for gas. I just close my eyes and fall fast asleep in Cato's warmth.


I am loving this new Cato.What did I do to deserve her?

The train starts moving again and I soon fall asleep next to Clove.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dedicated to livelovelaugh331 because of her help and promoting my story to her fans!Hope you like!!!

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