Little Miss

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This is based on the vision of a man named Ben - he's frail, weak and British. He servers as a maid in a rich house.

It's been about two days since I was paid last, how long does it take for Mr to correct his debt. Jesus. As I finished swiping up the remaining dust particles hidden under little Miss' curtain, I noticed a simple drawing next to the bed. I was just a maid and I should not be going through the master's daughter's things. Slowly with care I picked up the paper with my left hand as the other placed the brush on the windowsill.

It was a drawing of...

The picture was drawn in felt tip pen with the smallest smudges on the eyes. I was wearing my usual maid dress. My hair was mostly squiggles and lines however it made me smile. I softly placed it back down onto the bed and continued my work. Maybe she does care about me.


I had finished my work early and my hands were aching sore - it was nearly night time. Swiftly, I rushed around the house to pin jet black papers against the windows of every room. As I did so, I heard a small voice behind me once I placed paper over the little Miss' room windows. "Benjamin" it said, I turned around. It was in fact little Miss. "Why do we have to border up the windows?" She mumbled as she hugged her soft feeling teddy against her chest. My head thought for a moment, I was never told why either. I was about to answer when: "Reyna, what are you doing, it's bed time!" - Mr had entered the room. He stared at me with suspicion and hatred like he always did and muffled the words "you did something to her you filthy maid, I know it!" as he chewed on his cigarette. Mr stomped off after as little Miss shuffled onto her bed, I tucked her in gently and sat on the chair beside the bed where her mother used to sit. She instantly requested me to sing a lullaby as soon as I sat down, I laughed slightly and agreed. I sung a small tune that I would never forget - for a thousand years.

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