My life's work

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As I was watching the two men chatting about things a simple maid couldn't understand, there was a sudden silence between them. It was a shock to hear it, and I couldn't bare the sound. It was a loud screech that woke up Little Miss and caught the men in a panic, this was the one thing I knew the meaning of. I rushed to Little Miss' room and picked her up in my warm arms, she held her teddy tightly. We made it downstairs as Mr looked at me and shouted "GET HER TO THE BASEMENT NOW". The basement was our shelter that kept us safe during the last war, but this changed. I did so as Mr said and got Little Miss to safety as she was tearing up in my arms, I sat down on a wooden chair and let her get comfortable on my lap. Out of all the times for this to happen. Little Miss shivered and snuggled closer to my chest - she was cold, but I had nothing. I hugged her softly, trying to warm her up but she kept on shaking. Instead I tried to calm her down with the sweetest words I could imagine, and she smiled. I felt at that moment I was complete, until the hatch opened. "Get off my DAUGHTER!" Mr exclaimed, he was in panic but trying not to show it. Little Miss shuffled off my lap but still stayed close as I looked at Mr, less happy. Later, it was 2 am, we had been waiting for a while now but we could still hear the sound of a siren in the distance. Little Miss was laying against my chest (as that was technically allowed) with tears in her eyes and her teddy in her arms. I stroked her hair softly to help her gain her strength back, but it .wasn't working. That was. Until .this. .Footsteps were heard above the basement, and there were many of them. We sat silently in the basement making sure none of us squeaked. However the footsteps got closer and we could hear the basement hatch open..


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