Questions without Answers

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I sat lonesome on the bed before me with a thought; this is odd isn't it? I shook my head and erased the question as I flopped in the soft white supreme (boi-) sheets. This is a lot better than home already! Teehee, it was like heaven. greedy habits began to force the worries of little Miss away. Slowly I dosed asleep as the aches in my mussels calmed, I felt at peace. I felt hope. I

                     ~A few hours later~

To my surprise, I woke up feeling very warm and comfy like I was under pillows. Slightly I turned to my right and saw an arm wrapped around me. I shuffled forwards in panic and sat up, looking at the crazy man who....who......Luke? IT WAS LUKE!? "Mh...five more minutes" He rolled over close to me with a cheeky grin on his face, what was his problem?
"S-Sir..?" I asked in a quiet voice, I couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake because of his sunglasses but he had a cute (Ben no.). Suddenly he made a loud snore which caused me to jump but I could finally tell he was asleep. I tried pushing him out of bed but he would not budge! I then tried cursing in Russian but it really came out as gibberish. Finally I accepted that there was no way to move this 'boulder' out of my bed. Silently I made a sigh and snuggled close into the sheets while trying to resist the urge to cuddle the man beside me, Luke. In the slightest movement I leaned closer to him and laid my head against his chest, dang it he was so warm! In a few seconds my whole body had cuddled very close to him and I gave a little smile even though this looked wrong. I looked up at Luke and I could see him smirking as well, his smile was heart warming in which I fell asleep to.'re hard to teach.

(Sorry it took me so long to publish another chapter!)

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