W h e r e

22 1 1

Everything is black...I can't see a thing. I felt something like clothing over my eyes and I was being moved. Where was I? Where was I going? I heard voices around me talking in a language I had learnt before...Russian.., were these really Russians? I was suddenly lifted up and placed onto a cold wooden object. The voices continued until. "SILENCE" and the talking stopped. I heard footsteps coming towards me and the blinding object over my eyes was pulled off. I saw a tall man, wearing grey clothing and a coat down to his feet. A grey and black hat with...handsome blue hair...and a pretty face...with the sexiest- "Look at me." and I stared at him. We made eye contact as a faint line of red appeared across my face. My arms were tied against the chair as he faced me. "W..What do you want from me..?"
"You were living in Russian territory.."
Russian territory? Mr never told me so...traitor.
"I-I'm sorry sir! I'm just a maid I didn't know!"
He stared at my dress and I could notice him blushing. I was scared and slowly...I teared up.
"I-I'm s..sorry.."
He looked alarmed and wiped my tears quickly as the others gave him weird looks.
"It's ok! Please don't cry!"
I stopped and shuffled in my chair trying to get out. The man looked back at his co-operators and demanded them to take me to...his room? They untied my and dragged me down a hall to a room covered in golden markings and a huge red fluffy bed. They shoved me into the room and closed the door. I made my way to the bed and lied on top of it, hugging the sheets.
"So soft.."
As I lay on the bed I heard a voice pass the door. "Jeez, Luke has the worst heart." Luke? Was that the name of the man I saw? Cute..

Blood boundaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora