24. The Last Song

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Everyone begins leaving the ballroom, as the night drags on, most of them yawning or with eyes half shut. It's getting pretty late, and even I'm ready for bed. My feet ache in my shoes, which beg to be taken off. I ignore them and press on for one last dance with Sinbad.

"You sure you can keep going?" He laughs as I let out a deep yawn.

"If you can then I can," I huff, suppressing another yawn.

He nods, "Of course."

With that, we begin the next song. As typical for last songs, it's slow and beautiful. The perfect way to close out the night. I can't help but smile, as I press my head against his chest, closing my eyes for a second, as I let Sin do the job of leading. My nimble feet can barely do more than shuffle at this point, but Sinbad makes the effort to twirl me around. I do so slowly, but speed up at the end to stay on beat. I return to his chest, feeling like I could fall asleep at any moment with him holding me like this. His warmth only aids the sleep tugging at my eyes, but my body refuses to give in so easily. As Sinbad dips me backwards, I stare up at him, our faces only inches apart from one another. I want so badly to close the gap between us, but I know I can't when nothing's official and there's so many other royals here. Instead, I shoot him a playful wink, making his smile widen, as he leans us back upright. The song finishes, as the few people left begin to applaud, and we join them.

Aria makes her way over to us, a smile on her face as well, staring at me and Sin, still intwined even though the music has ended.

"Are you going to be sleeping in the castle tonight?" She asks me, her eyes filled with a silent plea that I'll say yes.

"Sinbad?" I ask, not knowing what the plans truly were. We left on such short notice I hadn't bothered to even think of when we'd be coming back.

"If you'll allow us," he nods, looking to Aria for confirmation.

"Yes!" She exclaims, hurrying off to find someone to set up our rooms.

"Are you going to come find me tonight?" Sinbad smirks, "Or do I have to come to you?"

I give him a playful slap on the arm, before shaking my head, "Not sure yet."

Aria's back in an instant, with a petite brown haired maid trailing behind her, "She can show you to your room Sinbad," Aria announces, as the girl gives Sin a bow, "And you can sleep in your old room (Y/N), or wherever else you end up."

The maid looks alarmed as my jaw drops. Did Sinbad tell her about that? I can't believe him...

We part ways, Sinbad headed with the maid, and myself and Aria headed to our living quarters.

"He's staying in the East Wing if you want to know," Aria comments as we make it to my bedroom, "I would have roomed you too together, but it didn't seem appropriate because you aren't married yet."

"Yet?" I ask, "Who said I was going to marry him?"

My sister looks flustered as she tries to come up with something to say, but I'm the end all she offers me is, "I just assumed you'd get married eventually."

I roll my eyes as I give her a firm hug goodnight and head into my bedroom.

My eyes widen at the strangely familiar sight. Everything looks almost exactly as I left it ten years ago. Not a single item out of place, like it's a time capsule from all those years ago. I shake my head in amazement at the same drapes, the same linens, everything's the same. It sends shivers up my spine as I recall all the time I spent in here, reading, getting ready, talking to Aria... I was raised in this room, and slept here almost every night of my childhood, and all these years later it's still the same.

I spend ten minutes gawking at everything, running my hands over the furniture, laying on my bed, sitting on the chairs, before I decide to get ready for bed. I take off the dress and the jewelry Aria lent me, but leave my hair as is, deciding I enjoy how the half-up style makes my (h/c) locks look. I decide to take off my makeup, even though it's not much, it's beginning to feel heavy.

I slip on a billowy white nightgown that somehow still fits me. I don't know if I should be happy I didn't grow or disappointed, but at least I have something that I can wear. I decide against putting on shoes, as I get ready to find Sinbad.

I step into the illuminated hallway, to see a pair of guards stationed outside of my door.

"Your Highness," they say in unison, looking rather serious.

"I'll be back, I'm going to the East Wing," I explain, before continuing on my way. They don't question me further, probably deciding the Palace is fairly safe for me to walk around in. I shrug as I continue along a series of corridors, glancing at the art my family's collected over the centuries as well as the portraits of everyone. They all look stern and angry, except for the one with my Father, Sister, and I. I pause for a moment and look at it, remembering how none of us could keep a straight face long enough to be painted. We all look a little off, like the artist gave up and made us look confused. Regardless, I love it, and wish I could take it back with me to Sindria. But, this is where it belongs, unlike myself.

I sigh as I continue my journey to Sinbad, feeling the plush carpet beneath my feet. I finally make it to his door, and decide to let myself in.

As I enter, I see he's in the middle of undressing, leaving little to the imagination.

"Sorry!" I shout, shutting the door quickly, as my face turns deep red. I'm mortified. Forgetting to knock is never a good idea.

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