African Slave

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Hello!! I'm here again with another teaser.It is looooooooong, but pretty eventful. It is originally my graded history project that I spent 2 days typing up. It's supposed to tell you about back in the days when the Europeans went to Africa and captured the Africans, took them to the Caribbean and made them work on plantations. NOW THAT'S JUST ABOUT ENOUGH INFO



It was like any other normal day in my village, but on this day, everything I knew was ripped away from me.

No one expected it. No one was prepared, it just happened.

I even remember the day like it was literally yesterday...

It was really late in the night. Grandmama tucked us into bed and we were sound asleep.

Soon enough we felt the heat in the small hut and jumped up when we heard screaming of the other villagers in the village. My village was only filled with women.

Grandmama rushed into the room with frantic eyes as she quickly ushered my little sister and me out of the burning hut.

We ran out of the hut and I felt someone grab me and clamped something around my neck and ankles. I looked around to see where Grandmama and my little sister was, but all I saw was screaming and crying villagers running out of their huts only to be grabbed by the white skinned men and were chained like I was.

I was crying and screaming for my little sister and my Grandmama, but I couldn't see them anywhere.

Soon enough the men begun to speak in a foreign language that I didn't understand one bit and cries were heard as the line started to move.

The tears were running down my face, I couldn't find my family and the village I've known for my 16 years of life is now burning to the ground and these white foreigners were taking us to who knows where, to do God knows what with us.

I was terrified and devastated. I just wanted everything to go back to normal.

Suddenly people started to fall from the line to the ground with cuts as they cried out in pain. I looked and I saw my Grandmama lying on the floor.

"Grandmama," I screamed as I tried to get out of the restraints only to feel the chains digging into my dark skin. My Grandmama's head then snapped to my direction.

A whip then came in contact with my skin, making me cry out in pain.

My Grandmama cried out to me only to be kicked by a white man.

I sobbed as the line kept moving and I could no longer see my Grandmama.

My little sister was what was on my mind when I came to the realization that I would never see my Grandmama again.

The tears just kept coming. They didn't stop and I doubt they would ever stop.

It felt as if we were walking for months, when I saw something blue. It looked like water and I've never seen anything like it in my life.

Mesmerized by the unfamiliar, blue thing I didn't realize we were heading into this big, brown thing.

My eyes widened at the unfamiliar contraption.

AS we walked onto the unfamiliar contraption, the white men were speaking to some other men.

Soon I heard the screams of pain from the women at the front as the line kept moving.

Right at the entrance of the large contraption, was a white man holding a hot iron and pressing it to the skins of the women.

My turn came soon enough and the iron pressed to my skin, making my throat burn from the scream of pain I let out. Of course, my tears came harder. It was really, really painful.

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