Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to my friends

     "Huh? Anthony if you are playing a trick its not funny." I said. Then I saw the same thing happen only to the west part of his lot. I can't hide the fact that this is freaking me out. "Anthony?" I felt that feeling once again, plus chills run down my back making me jump a little.

 "Noami are you alright?!" I heard someone ask. I turned around to find Avril standing behind me. She was looking down and I realized I was on the ground shaking. Shaking I can't explain why, I just was.

 "Oh, yes I am fine." I said as I got up. She looked at me.

 "Okay." she said. She saw the book and picked it up. "Where did you get this Noami?" Avril asked.

 "Anthony." She handed it to me.

 "You best be getting inside. Before the storm hits." She started walking back in. I followed as I glanced around. I would like to tell her about the thing I saw but I should just tell Anthony, I am sure he will know what it was.

 "You should go change. You got that dirty. I will wash it later, after the storm." she said as we got to the stairs.

 "Uh, thank you Avril." I said as I walked up the stairs. I didn't need to look back to tell she had left. Walking up those stairs was hard after being horrified a few minutes earlier.

 I couldn't help but wonder how my father was. Now that I was gone and him left to care for himself. He was always there for me and now, yesterday, he thought of himself. But there was really no other way to keep living the way he is, sheltered. The only reason he had quit before was for my mother, but she had died a year later. I pushed people away from me, everyone except my father and friends. My father let people into his life, I wish I had done the same. Usually I would be more to myself but I feel I should explain some things......

 1) My name is Noami

 2) I am seventeen

 3) I am an only child

 4) I have black hair

 5) I have dark blue eyes, my mother had the same eyes as me

 That is all you need to really know about me. Not enough information? Well, tough luck. Yeah, I realize I can be mean, but trust me,  I am not that mean.

 As I waked by Anthony's room I heard him talking to his mother. I stopped and listened to the conversation.

 "Yeah, she's fine." Anthony said.

 "Oh? Is that so? Anthony you must realize you can't be nice to her. She is just a servant. Not a friend, anymore." the other person said. Anymore. The word just rang in my head as if a bell was in there.

 "I realize that! God, I would be damned if she remembers me." he said. I know for a fact they are talking about me. I can feel it.

 "Do not ever let me hear you speak that way! Even if you are nineteen years old I am still your mother and you live in my house." she said. Hard-core conversation with family in my opinion.

 "Whatever. Leave so I can continue my work."

 "Good luck, and I pray you find out more about this girl. That is the whole reason why I got her here." I had to scramble into my room quickly before she came out.

 Once I was in my room I got some of my clothes and went to the bathroom for a shower. At least the bathroom looked lively and not dark like the rest of the house.

 "Anymore?" I said to myself. I kept saying it over and over again until I remembered what else she had said.

 The whole reason I got her here. It was just for him to figure something out. I am being used for something and I had no idea. More importantly, neither did my father and he still doesn't. Maybe Anthony wasn't trying to trick me, he could be helping me. Or he could be hurting me and I just don't know it. I thought to myself as I stood in the warm water. The water quickly became cold.

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