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"It's gorgeous Zak." I said as I walked around the hotel suite.
"Good, glad you approve." He smiled and watched me as I took it all in. I walked over the the balcony and looked out. Colorado was breathtaking this time of year, snow was on the ground and it reminded me of the last time we were here. Zak came up behind and wrapped his arms around me. "So bad news..." He said, and I turned around, the look in his eyes was odd.
"What?" I asked disappointed.
"My interview got moved to this evening...because the lady had a change in plans. So we'll go take care of that, then head back." He said, giving a forced smile.
"Alright, So where does that put me?" I asked him.
"Well, I'll be back for maybe a late dinner. Is that okay?" He asked me.
"I guess." He knew I was just a tad bit irritated.
"Come here." He took my hand and we sat on the edge of the bed. "I gotta work and yes, my attention is divided tonight, just for tonight though. I've gotta get this thing done, but that leaves me free tomorrow, and the guys are going to handle other stuff. Shopping tomorrow...just you and me, if things go well tonight." He grinned and then so did I, but I still felt like something was off.
"Fine I'll unpack our things...what about skiing? Are you still wanting to do that?" I asked him.
"Look if you don't want to ski, we certainly don't have too. I get it." He said, and winked at me, as if there was something going on.
"What's that look for?" I asked him.
"Nothing, just something." He said and he had this odd look in his face.
"Something on your mind?" I asked, and Zak sighed.
"A little something, yeah." He answered.
"You wanna enlighten me?" I asked.
"Well, I've been tiptoeing and I didn't want to ask. But I guess this is as good of a time as any." He paused. "I know about your appointment." He got serious and uncomfortable. I stood there, and I couldn't play dumb any longer.
"Okay. So what about it?" I asked him, cautious as to not spill the beans just yet.
"We're pregnant...right?" He asked nervously. "I mean you got sick, you don't want to ski...all these things are adding up. Tell me some amazing news baby." He just knew I was pregnant or so he thought, and that fueled his fire with something. "Two babies in one house, that's going to be nuts...huh?" He laughed, and I turned away, and remained silent. How could I disappoint him? I gave a sigh.
"No, we aren't Zak." I said, then I turned back to face him. His face changed and his eyes saddened.
"Then why did you lie about the appointment?" He asked, confused.
"How did you even know about that appointment?"
"I found the card in your p..." and he then stopped.
"So you dug in my purse?" I asked, and he could see I was getting angry.
" It fell on the floor out of your purse, and I saw it. Why is it a secret? Oh god, are you having problems? Are you alright?"
"Look, I went for a check up. Everything is fine. I'm not pregnant, and I'm not having any problems...Okay? Just let it go." I said and I was red in the face.
"You aren't telling me everything. We made a promise to each other...apparently there's a lot going on lately."
"I'm not pregnant nor do I plan on getting pregnant...okay. So drop it...and what else is going on? What the hell are you talking about?"
"Never mind, and what does that mean? You don't plan on it?" He asked and now he was getting irritated...other things were weighing on his that "interview" he had to get too.
"I'm on birth control. I don't want a baby...right now." I confessed.
"So you're on birth control and didn't tell me. All this time I've been hoping and praying we get pregnant again...and here you are deciding our future without even consulting me? I've been talking about it, and you've said nothing!"'He was angry but more surprised than anything.
"I don't want to be pregnant in a wedding dress. Try and understand that...I just want us to have our time for a while. That's all!" I sat back down and Zak just stood over me.
"Well, so much for the open and honest promise." He grabbed his jacket and started to walk out the door.
"Why did you "check" Dakota?" I rapidly fired that question. It just shot out of my mouth. He stopped and turned around, anger in his eyes.
"What?" He asked.
"You heard me." I stood my ground.
"I see how he looks at you, and it isn't right. If he doesn't watch it, I'll knock his eyes out of his head. Trust me...I'm dying to punch the shit it if someone right now." Zak left and slammed the door. I knew it had all been going too smoothly. As I sat down to try and process what had just taken place, and worry for Dakota's phone rang and it was Riley.
"Perfect." I said to myself, then answered my phone. "Hey you alright?"
"Yeah...I guess. Listen, Dakota called me very upset. Said he almost made some mistake with a friend's girlfriend or something...I don't know. He's just not himself." Riley explained. "He was crying and talking about us working through stuff when he gets back."
"Huh...well maybe he's coming around." I said nervously.
"I don't think maybe you could talk to him for me or feel it out?"
"Riley I'm the last person to be doing that right now. You two talk and hash things out."
"I'm begging you...please?" She was serious.
"Fine...I'll try...I gotta go." I hung up. "Great, just great." I said out loud. Sitting there thinking about honesty...I decided to
call her back.
Zak was charging through the lobby. Pissed was an understatement, he was furious in that moment at me, for not being honest, thinking maybe I didn't want a baby for other reasons. Everyone saw him coming through the lobby, and they were on guard. He saw Dakota, and knew then, it was the right time to do what he needed to do.
"You okay man?" Aaron asked. He and Jay had flown in, dropped their things in their hotel room, and headed down when they got the message about the interview time change. It was a rush for the crew.
"Fine." He said and they walked out of the hotel, approaching two SUV's. "Dakota... you ride with me." Zak instructed. "You guys take the other car and go on ahead. We'll meet you there. Bacon, you drive that one." Zak said, pointing at the second truck, all while staring Dakota down. Billy got nervous and butted in.
"I'll tag along with you and D." Billy said to Zak, Dakota was a ball of nerves...he knew Zak knew something...but what?
"No." Zak said, angrily, then turned around. "Dakota let's go."
"Shit." Billy said, looking over at Bacon. They both knew that something was about to happen. Jay and Aaron were confused, but did as instructed. Billy hesitantly did the same. They all took off...Zak and Dakota stayed behind.
Zak stood staring until Dakota got into the truck, they took off as well. It was silent for about half an hour, until Dakota spoke up.
"So what's going on?" Dakota asked, but he felt as if he knew. Zak wouldn't answer. They pulled over on a scenic stretch of highway, where everyone was to meet up. The guys were already there.
"Get out, we're here." Zak said to Dakota. As they got out everyone saw the tension and they were confused as to the location. Billy noticed Bacon just standing back, which was odd. Dakota turned his back and then he felt a shove. He turned around to see it was Zak. Aaron and Jay caught sight of it, and walked over, quickly to try and diffuse it.
"Whoa...hey man what's going on?" Aaron asked and tried to step in front of Zak.
"He knows what's going move Aaron." Zak kept inching toward Dakota and pointing at him.
"Zak man...calm down. Whatever it is..." Billy tried as well, but he already knew. Billy knew this would eventually get to Zak, but how did it?
"You already know what it is with Amanda. There's no interview tonight either." He then turned to Dakota. "And you! You little fucking snake. I let you in...let you in, and this is what you do. Riley wasn't enough? I warned you...I warned you man! I forgave you once for toying with the women in my life!" Zak threw his fist up, but Aaron caught him, forcing his fist down with Jay in the other side. Billy was in front of Dakota. "Let me go!" Zak was angry, and it was obvious he knew way more than he had let on. Bacon knew too, and had convinced the crew about the interview schedule change, but it was a lie, a plan Zak had come up with. Aaron and Jay let Zak go after he squirmed to get away. They knew if they didn't, there would be hell to pay...and he'd punch one of them too.
"You lied to all of us to get us out here?" Jay asked. "Why?"
"So he could confront me." Dakota said, he realized then what was happening.
"About?" Aaron asked. Billy and Bacon remained silent, because they both knew, they glanced at each other, Billy shook his head.
"I saw everything on the RV, the card game...all of it. I didn't take a call, I watched through the door of my room, and had to see just what you'd do behind my back, I already saw what you would do in front of my face...flirting with her. I warned you!!" Zak rushed him and punched him across the chin. Dakota fell back and the guys just one helped Dakota to his feet. Guy code...girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, sisters, girls you are related too...all of limits. Dakota broke that code again, he now had to pay the price. But he couldn't keep his mouth shut..and what he admitted too next was a surprise...even to Zak.
"I've fallen for her...hard. At first it was just to get back at Riley, hurt her...but Amanda and I had a moment a while back. She won't budge, and loves you for some dumb fucking reason. I saw in her eyes after that card game...she's almost there. She's fighting her demons and her past...hard. She's amazing and you don't know what you've got." Dakota said, trying to stand up. Zak went over and kicked him in the side.
"Liar! She'd never do anything with you!" Zak was so mad that the guys finally rushed over and stopped it all. Dakota was bleeding and out of breath. He stood up and tried to make it to the SUV.
"That's enough man." Billy said. "You made your point and he's had enough." Billy said. He put Zak in and SUV with him and Bacon. Dakota was helped up by Aaron, and he got in the second SUV slowly, Aaron was behind the wheel. Billy took off and, and Aaron sat for a minute, then took off as well. On the way back, Zak had a few things to say.
"She doesn't want my kid." Zak said, his voice cracking and staring out the passenger window, all while rubbing his knuckles.
"What?" Billy asked.
"She doesn't want a kid right now, or mine at least. She put herself on birth control without telling me. We had plans and she lied." His eyes were welling up.
"Okay. Well she's been through a lot Zak. You expecting that right now and for things to just go back to normal is a lot, and..."
"She wouldn't cheat on me...right? Dakota isn't the reason for holding off in our future...right?" Zak asked Billy. Bacon was uncomfortable and fell silent. He knew this wasn't a question he could answer.
"No way man. Especially not with Dakota...don't think that. He's just a dumbass kid that needs to learn boundaries...he's hurt and confused his own damn self."
"I think he learned boundaries tonight." Bacon said, and no one was laughing.
In the second SUV, you could have heard a pin drop until Aaron looked back to see Dakota in the rear view. He was in bad shape.
"Here man, wipe your face." Aaron reached back, and handed him a napkin from the glove box. Dakota's lip was bad. How was he going to explain this when he got home to Riley?
"What the fuck were you thinking man?" Jay asked him, turning around to Dakota from the passenger's seat.
"I stand by what I said." Dakota answered.
"You need stitches man." Aaron said to him.
"And a psychiatrist, apparently." Jay said. They veered off course and drove to an ER clinic.
         Upon pulling up to the hotel Zak spoke.
                     "Don't say anything to tell Aaron and Jay to keep their mouths shut. I'm taking care of her." He got out, his hand was scratched up...but he was fine.
                      "Fuck...this is bad. Really bad." Billy said and turned to Bacon. They were just sitting in the car. All of this had taken everyone by surprise. "I hope he doesn't lose his shit with her too." Billy was worried.
                      "I'm glad he did it. Dakota stepped over the line don't do that shit. I know she and I joke and flirt...but Dakota man, he had crossed that line, and he's putting Amanda in the middle of he and Riley's crap. What about that kid on the way too? And why the hell would you tell any man, let alone Zak; that you got the feels for his girl. Something ain't right man." Bacon made sense and Billy knew it. "He's pissed, but trust me...that chick in their is the only one I know that can take Zak on, and rip him a new asshole. He's a pussy when it comes to her." Bacon never said much, he was a "sit back and take it all in" kinda guy. So, when he did speak, it was somewhat profound.
                   "You're right. I guess this all happened for a reason. But next time can you clue me in when Zak asks something like this, or plans to beat someone's ass?" Billy asked.
                   "No way...cause you woulda tried to stop it." Bacon laughed, got out, and lit himself a cigarette. Billy then got out and headed in, knowing Bacon was right.
        I was having a nice hot bath and a glass of wine I'd ordered from downstairs...I needed it after that phone call to Riley. Thinking Zak would be back late, and knowing he was mad, I figured dinner was not going to happen. I heard the room door open, and got a little freaked out...then, a knock at the bathroom door and Zak's voice...
                    "Hey, we're back's just me." Zak said through the door. He had a rough tone, I knew something was off, and that interviews take way longer than that.
                      "Oh...okay I'll be out in a sec." I grabbed my robe and glass of wine. So much for comes part two of the fight. I thought to myself. I opened the bathroom door to see Zak sitting on the edge of the bed. He was gripping his hand. "Are you alright?" I asked him.
                    "There was no interview. We drove out to a little secluded place to take care of something." He seemed in a far away place...he was dazed.
                   "Zak...What is going on?" I was worried. He kept looking down.
                   "I'm mad about the baby stuff, and disappointed I guess, and I feel in the dark about where you are. I'm mad about something else too (he paused). Dakota." He said, and I set my glass of wine down on a table. "You see, I cannot believe that you've let this go on all this time."
                 "Excuse me? I told you about..."
                  "Don't...I saw your little card game at the table. I heard and saw everything. You let him make all those sexy little innuendos and said nothing, and the look in your eyes when you were facing each other. You thought about it, for a split did...admit it. He's young and you love that...old habits die hard." Zak stood up and let go of his hand. I looked at it...realizing he'd punched something, or someone.
                    "You believe whatever you want to believe. So little faith in me. But let's not forget, I wasn't the one that was married all this time...was I? I've got a past, but so do you. To think I'd cheat on you, ever. Not to mention with a kid, my niece's husband for that matter. That's as insulting and low as it gets. You keep pushing Zak...keep pushing and just see." I poked him in the chest. "Honestly, for a split second, I did imagine what I'd do if you and I weren't in our chew on that." I said with anger in my eyes. I wanted to lash back.
                   "He told me he's fallen for you...hard. And that you two had some profound moment a while back. He confessed while I kicked his skinny ass a while ago. So how does it feel? Knowing now we all have to go home and look Riley in the eye and tell her this?" Zak threw it back my way...but I countered...big time.
                  "Riley already knows...I called and told her everything...told her to keep an eye on her husband and that I didn't appreciate his advances...I told her you knew too, but that we kept it quiet because she's pregnant." And with that I picked up my wine, and headed back into the bathroom. "Checkmate." I said. I knew how to play the game, I knew somehow and someway this would all blow I out smarted all of them.

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